High temperature resistant glass fiber filter mat
* 耐高温玻璃纤维毡采用玻璃长纤维,以非织物式方式均匀迭合制成,
* 具长纤维之特性:纤维的强度好、弹性佳、不因风阻大使滤材压缩一
* 燃性能极佳(绝不燃烧),达A 级阻燃国标,火烧不溶滴、不聚碳、不收
* 化学性佳,耐温性强,吸湿性低,使用寿命长.
* 过滤级别:G3,G4 ;厚度从5-50 毫米都 以订做;
* 卷材或者片材
用 途:
* 一般高温粗尘过滤处理;
* 热风式高温烤炉使用;家具厂、汽车厂涂装厂高温烤炉使用;
* 喷漆厂、电弧炉、油锅炉、焚化炉的高烟道和热空气过滤,既能有效除 尘,
High temperature resistant glass fiber filter mat
* High temperature resistant glass fiber filter mat is made of long fiberglass in uniformity non-woven way. Leeward
side is specially treated in order to avoid the fiberglass dropping.
* Stable performance: No degradation under the high temperature of 240℃ use. Size is stable with only 0.1 % con-
traction at 250℃. No contraction, no embitterment, no softening, and no melting in short time at 300℃, only softening
at 500℃.
* Excellent flame retardance (non-flame) , up to national grade A flame retardance standard. No drop, no polycarbon-
ate, no contraction, and no deformation with firing.
* Excellent chemical resistance, high moisture-resistance, low moisture absorption, long working life.
High temperature resistant glass fiber filter mat is widely used in ovens or other place which is high temperature. Not
only for dust extraction, but also for avoid chemical erosion and against poisonous gas.
注: 根据需要定制不同规格. Note: Special Size Available Upon Request.