企业简介上海酷铃自动化设备有限公司秉承“精度准、效率佳、载荷重、安全高、服务优”的设计理念,一直自主致力于工业自动化搬运设备的设计、研发、生产和销售。 产品广泛应用于:钢铁、玻璃、木材、石材、塑料、金属行业;食品、制药、物流等包装行业; 化工、电子、汽车及航空等行业。在致力于自主研发的同时, 借鉴和引进国外的先进技术及装备并配备一支实力雄厚的技术和销售团队,为客户提供高质量的产品和优质的个性化服务。
Shanghai CALLI Automation Equipment Co.Ltd Design concepts: great accuracy, high efficiency and carrying capacity, safe and good service. Dedicated to designing, researching & developing, producing and selling industrial automated conveying equipment. Beside independent research and development, we also refer and introduce advanced technology and equipment from abroad. Possess strong technical and sales teams. Provide high quality product and specialized services.Read more