涂装设备 自动化设备 喷涂 表面处理 喷涂系统 涂装生产线 喷粉设备 电泳设备 烘干设备 过滤设备 涂装线 热能设备 输送设备 前处理设备
辉煌电泳秉承一流产品、一流服务的品质观,不断进取,严格按ISO9001:2000质量管理体系组织生产。公司拥有先进的生产设备、雄厚的技术力量和多台质量检测及模拟实验设备,确保了产品适应市场需求,并以最快的速度把 更快、更好、更新 产品奉献给广大用户。
一个人能走多远取决于与谁同行,企业也是一样。辉煌化工有限公司本着 诚实、守信、共存、互利 的经营理念,让客户满意和放心是我们一切工作的出发点和宗旨。辉煌化工永远是您信赖的合作伙伴,我们正以雄壮的步伐奔向未来。欢迎广大新老客户光临指导,携手合作,共创辉煌
总 机:0755-89488858
手机:13828867150 周先生
Wenzhou Brilliant&Chemical Co., Ltd. is the leader company specializing in Electrophoretic coating equipment for the design, manufacture, installation, commissioning as well as the import of paint selection, slot allocation, training, professional services, manufacturers, as well as several "turnkey" Engineering units of measurement designated as the electrophoresis testing equipment manufacturer coatings. Designed to meet the needs of a wide range of customers. After years of the company's ongoing efforts to win over customers throughout the trust and praise, as well as access to great progress and development. The main operating companies: electrophoresis equipment (electrophoresis tank, electrophoresis power, ultrafiltration, heat exchange system, the oven and bake, electrophoresis coating line equipment), electrophoresis paint (one-component bicomponent CED Chatham, one-component anode electrophoresis paint, paint color series of electrophoresis), paste electrophoresis, environmental protection equipment (ion exchange, reverse osmosis water treatment equipment), two component cathode electrophoresis lacquer production technology transfer and so on. Product quality, full range.
Chemical products that carry the brilliant first-class, first-class service quality concept, keep making progress, in strict accordance with ISO9001: 2000 quality management system to organize production. The company has advanced production equipment, strong technical force and multiple quality testing and simulation equipment to ensure the products meet the market demand, and with the fastest speed of the "faster, better, update the" dedication to the product users.
How far can a person with whom depend on the same enterprise as well. Chemical Co., Ltd. glorious spirit of "honest and trustworthy, co-existence and mutually beneficial