起重量 Lifting Weight | t | 5 |
跨度 Span | S | m | 18 | 22 | 26 | 30 | 35 |
重级工作制度 Heavy work system | 起升高度 Lifting Height | 轨上 10M/轨下 10M |
速度 Speed | 起升/关闭 Life/open and colse | m/min | 37.08/37.08 |
小车运行 handcart travel | 49.47 |
大车运行 cart travel | 46.9 | 34.5 |
电动机Motor | 起升/关闭 Life/open and colse | 型号/KW Model | YZR225M-8/YZR225M-8 |
小车运行 handcart travel | YZR160M1-6 |
大车运行 cart travel | YZR160L-6 |
重量 Weight | 小车 handcart | t | 13.8 |
起重机重量 Total weight for crane | 86 | 96.8 | 100 | 121.3 | 126.3 |
起重机最大轮压 Max wheel pressure for crane | 30.1 | 34.6 | 35.2 | 22.2 | 22.9 |
主要部分尺寸 Main size | 大车轮距 Cart wheel distance | BQ | mm | 9500 | 8000 |
小车轮距 handcart wheel distance | Bx | 2940 |
宽度 Width | B | 11388 | 12388 |
起重机最大高度 Crane max.height | H | 17200 | 17240 |
左臂伸长 Left arm length | L1 | 7700 | 9700 | 11700 |
右臂出度 | L2 | 9300 | 10300 | 11800 |
导电架最外尺寸 Conductor frame outer size | L3 | 10680 | 11680 | 13180 |
大车轨面至小车轨面的距离 Distance between cart and handcart | H1 | 14200 |
缓冲器高度 Buffer unit height | H2 | 760 | 880 |
主梁底面至大车轨面距离 Distamce between main beam and cart | H3 | 12977 | 13677 | 12377 |
抓斗底面至大车轨面最大高度 Max.height between grab and cart track | H4 | 1000 |
小车轨面至抓斗底面距离 Distance between handcart track and grab | H5 | 12662 | 13362 | 12662 |
煤斗车最大高度 Max.height for coal gogie | h | 4200 |
煤斗车最大高度 Max.height for coal gogie | h1 | 6500 |
极限尺寸 Limit size | S1 | 5000 | 7000 | 9000 |
S2 | 2500 | 3500 | 5000 |
抓斗 Grab | 抓斗至操纵室距离 Distance between grab and operation room | a | 1544 | 1531 | 1381 | 1181 |
张开后长度 Length after opening | L | 2340 | 2600 | 2600 | 3000 |
宽度 Width | b | 1126 | 1152 | 1452 | 1852 |
容量 Volume | m3 | 0.75 | 1 | 1.5 | 3 |
容重 Density of material | t/m3 | | 2.5-3.3 | 2-3 | 1-1.9 | 0.8-1.0 |
荐用大车轨道型号 Cart track type | | kg/m | 43 |