深圳世唯企业管理顾问有限公司是一家信誉有保障的验厂服务公司。更多的验厂咨询,详情请致电0755-28379776(28379778) 黄小姐/陈小姐 QQ:328508753 MSN:dana.huang@msn.cn
& Spencer,Mattel,THD,Costco,Li & Fung,Auchan,NTD,PSI,TRU,Workplace,Bandai……
Target公司位于明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯美市,在美国47州设有1,330家商店,为客户提供当今时尚前沿的零售服务,物美价廉。不管是在Target商店还是在线Target.com,客户都能从数千件风格独特的商品中作出选择,享受到乐趣横生、简单方便的购物体验。公司每周都要通过捐赠和其它一些活动把200万美元回馈给当地社区。自1962 年开设第一家商店以来,Target公司已与许多非赢利组织和组织
1.供應商必先到工廠審查后- VFE audit (要70分以上) ,交VFE報告給Target ,才能夠安排Target驗FE Audit .兩者分數不能相差20%,否則罰款.
2.過住的Target FE audit ,審查當日,有報告及分數,但新制度下 ,沒有即時報告及分數! 報告及分數在7天內由美國Target發放(70分以上才合格).
Target VFE最新标准
(注:以下问题在AuditFair审核中,每条必须得”Yes”, 如果有一条是“NO”,这个验厂将都不会通过!!!)
10.20件质量检验(仅限于新注册的工厂): 随机抽验20件工厂检验合格产品,其外观及工艺质量检验是否合格?(仅限于新注册的工厂)
1. Opening Meeting-Auditor will expain the intent of visit and the audit process.
2. Factory tour-General Walkthrough of the factory and dorms(if applicable)
3. Employee interviews-Confidential, conducted one-to-one of in small groups.
4. Factory management interview-Review hiring process, factory rules, work schedules, and
other procedures used by factory management.
工厂管理层面谈-评估雇佣程序,工厂规章制度, 工作计划, 以及工厂管理的其它程序。
5. Country of Origina review-Review production records and shipping records.
6. Closing meeting-Review any findings found during the audit with factory management.
This includes detailing how to correct the issue(s) and negotiate the"correctby"date. The audit recap is signed by both the auditor and factory management and a copy is left withthe factory.
然后一份"验厂概要"需要验厂员和工厂管理人员共同签署, 且留一份拷贝于工厂。
Document (s) 文件 |
ISO Certification ISO 证书 |
Formal documented system to control document revision, distribution and maintenance 控制文件的修订、分发及维护的系统文件 |
Documented system to define storage, protection and retention of quality records 规定质检记录的存放、保护及归档的文件 |
Documented Production procedures/instructions for all processes 各步骤的生产程序以及生产作业指导书 |
Documented Inspection procedures/instructions for all stages of production 各生产步骤的检验程序以及检验作业指导书 |
Documented pre-production meeting process 产前会议程序 |
Pre-production meeting records 产前会议记录 |
Documented Pilot/Test Run process 试产程序 |
Documented Pilot/Test Run results 试产结果 |
Documented factory delivery performance records 工厂的交期达成率 |
Documented preventative maintenance process for all factory equipment 所有工厂设备的维护程序 |
Training 培训 |
Documented training program for QC Inspectors on QC Processes QC的培训程序 |
Documented training program for Maintenance Workers 维修工人的培训程序 |
Documented training program for Production Workers 生产工人的培训程序 |
Factory Organizational Chart 工厂组织架构图 |
Factory QC Shift schedule 工厂QC的轮班制度 |
Daily/Weekly quality goals and results 每日或每周的质量目标及结果 |
Factory Defect Classification List 产品瑕疵等级分类清单 |
Quality Control Meeting schedule 质量控制会议制度 |
Quality Control Meeting results 质量控制会议记录 |
Maintenance Workers personnel files 维修工人个人档案 |
QC Inspectors personnel files QC员个人档案 |
Production workers personnel files 生产工人个人档案 |
Material/Supplier Management 物料与供应商管理 |
Documented inventory process for monitoring/documenting incoming/outgoing material 监控或记录进出物料的库存程序 |
Documented process for reviewing all incoming raw material, components, sub-assemblies conform to Specifications, Quality Standards andUS safety requirements 原材料、零部件及配件的规格、质量标准及美国安全要求的检查程序 |
Documented process for reviewing all incoming raw material, components, sub-assemblies conform to Specifications, Quality Standards andUS regulatory requirements 原材料、零部件及配件的规格、质量标准及美国法规要求的检查程序 |
Documented process for reviewing all incoming packaging material under lightbox (UL3000 lightsource) 在灯箱下(UL3000 光源)对所有进厂包装材料的对色检查程序 |
Records of non-conforming packaging status and disposition 不合格包装的处理记录 |
Supplier performance and reliability documentation 供应商交货合格率和可靠性记录 |
Non-conforming/rejected raw material, in process product, finished product disposition records 不合格或拒收的原材料、半成品及成品的处理记录 |
Documented process for fabric inspection 面料的检验程序 |
Incoming fabric inspection results 面料的检验结果 |
Incoming fabric count, construction, weight records 面料的经纬密度、结构、及克重的记录 |
Documented process for proper storage and handling of hazardous chemicals 有害化学品的正确储存及使用程序 |
Documented process for proper storage and handling of dyes/inks 染料或油墨的正确储存及使用程序 |
Documented process for proper packaging/handling of product going to a Sub-contractor 外加工产品的正确包装、处理程序 |
Documented process for inventorying, reconciling and inspecting product received from sub-contractor 外加工产品回厂的核数、检验、及入库程序 |
Inventory and Inspection records of product received from sub-contractor. 外加工产品回厂的库存及品检记录 |
Documentation of sub-contractor QC controls, performance results, etc. 外加工产品的品质控制及考核记录,等等 |
Documented process for inspecting incoming trims, sundries, hang tages, ect. 辅料、配件、吊牌的检验程序,等等 |
Documented results of incoming trims, sundries, hang tags inspections. 辅料、配件、吊牌的检验记录 |
Documented records of trims, sundries, hang tag release form storage room to production 辅料、配件、吊牌的领发料记录 |
Laboratory 实验室 |
Lightbox maintenance, calibration inspection results 对色灯箱的维护、校验记录 |
Documentation / Certification of training for Lab Technicians 实验室技术员的培训文件或证书 |
Records of color vision testing for all lab personnel responsible for color evaluation 实验室所有负责颜色评估人员的色觉能力测试记录 |
Testing results of all Third Party Lab / Internal testing results 第三方实验室或工厂内部的测试结果 |
Sewing / Production Floor 车缝/生产车间 |
Documented process for reconciling second quality product 次品的核对程序 |
Documented process for inline inspections 现场线检程序 |
Documented results of inline inspections 现场线检结果 |
Documented process for During Production finished goods inspections 成品生产中的检验程序 |
Documented results of During Production finished goods inspections 成品生产中的检验结果 |
Documented process for Final Random Inspection of finished goods including packaging and cartons 成品包括包装和纸箱的抽检程序 |
Documented results of Final Random Inspection finished goods inspections 成品的终期抽检结果 |
Documented process for broken needle control 断针控制程序 |
Broken needle control log 断针控制每日记录 |
Metal Detection 过针测试 |
Documentation of metal detection process for appropriate product 对适用产品的过针测试程序 |
Documentation of records showing all required product passing through appropriate metal detection 所有需要过针测试产品的过针测试记录 |
Documented results of metal detection device calibration 过针测试器的校验结果 |
Spreading / Cutting 验布/裁剪 |
Documented material utilization records 用料记录 |
Screenprint / Embroidery 丝印/绣花 |
Documentation of screenprint material inventory and issue logs 丝印材料的库存和发放记录 |
Documented process for cleaning of screens used for screenprint 丝印网版的清洁程序 |
Laundry 水洗 |
Documented process for measuring appropriate laundry load size with records 测量适当水洗记录的程序 |
Waste water treatment documentation 污水处理文件 |