▼采用由动静环端面贴合,双旋转式机械密封。最大限度的降低维修频率,增加使用寿命。 By using dynamic and static ring end fitting, double mechanical seal. Maximum limit reduces the repair frequency, increase the service life. ▼全新设计的涡轮分散器,研磨效率高,产量大,能耗低。 The new design of the turbine disperser, high grinding efficiency, high output, low energy consumption. ▼具有较小的长度/直径比例,能量密度高 Having a smaller length / diameter ratio, high energy density ▼采用大流量动态离心分离筛网,出料面积大,研磨介质与筛网接触面积小,使用寿命长。 Separation screen with large flow dynamic centrifuge, the discharge area is large, the grinding medium and screen the small contact area, long service life. ▼内部研磨腔及分散器材质可使用多种材料制作,确保满足多种色差要求。 Internal grinding cavity and dispersed material can be made using a variety of materials, to ensure that meet a variety of color requirements. ▼筒体拆卸方便,换色、清洗更容易。 The cylinder is convenient to disassemble, color change, easy cleaning.