● 结帮前,中底及鞋面不必先行擦胶,不但节省人工,而且成型事加热永不脱胶,确保之形状。
- 全能束紧器及特别轨迹的扫刀,保证结帮后,鞋面均匀贴紧楦头,绝对不发角,增进美观,提高质量。
- 九爪独立式可个别调整配合任何形壮之鞋头结帮,其自动平衡及扫刀前进时自动下降的原理,更是提高品质增加产量的特性。
- 辅助扫刀结构:辅助扫刀是配合九爪式前帮使转头结帮长度加长到前中衔接转角处,经此结帮后,可使鞋头之皮面更贴合于鞋楦。
- 胶盘大小可调式结构:一般使用自动上胶之前帮胶盘均匀为固定式,不可任意调整,此大小可调整结构为适应大小号鞋子生产线上,同时混合生产时、不需要动用工具而可简单快速的调整胶盘的大小、宽度以使着胶点能随大小号鞋子涂在适当之位置,使黏着效果更为,而同一型体之鞋子也不必因量多而更换胶盘。
- 扫刀具有寸动及调速功能,使结帮控制的调整作业更为方便。
- 本机附有十字投影灯装置,方便鞋头校正作业,同时使新手更容易操作。
- 爪子为快速拆装结构,可于30秒内换装完成(特选)。
- 内撑台上升高度,由外部遥控调整,并提供数字提示参考,使操作更方便。
- 各机构之压力与速度均可由外部调整,压力表亦配置在机台外部,使机械操作与调整更方便。
- 爪盘大小快速调整结构:爪盘采用双轨迹结构,左右分开独立位移调整。其旋转原点则不受空间限制,设定于中爪及第二爪之衔接处,故左右爪组于快速调整大小时,和中爪之弧型位置,绝不会改变,可使鞋面上夹紧时更贴楦头,确保结帮质量。
- Fully hydraulic operated system.
- Each set of pincers (left and right) can be setting with automatic pulling or manual operated ,preventing the upper made of different marterials is only pulled on one side.
- The upward stroke of the last support can be adjusted from the knob outside the machine,and the setting value will be displayed in the screen.
- Toe cap pressing mechanism adopts adjustable two-stage pressure to enable the shoes achieves the best effects in the bonding process and the final pressing .The lst stroke of pressure valve can select the pressing modes of the constant pressure and the positioning pressure depending on the vamp materials to make the lasting more smoothly.
5. The middle pincer can be adjusted for yawing to be left and to the right within 15°each side according to the toe cap shape ,suitable for special shoe models and pincers assembly arrangement 6. The fifth pincer has the function of inward rotation,the rotation angle adjustment is depending on the demands, and enabling the shoe more fit the shoe last when lasting.
7. The machine is accompanied with the align light device to facilitate the toe cap correction and position.