- 商品描述:
冰晶石 产品介绍及使用说明书 |
产品名称:冰晶石 Na3AlF6 产品简介:分子式:Na3AlF6 分子量:209.94 执行标准: GB 4291-84 危险级别: 6.1 商品编码:2826.3000 分析项目 | 分析结果(%) | 分析结果 | F | ≥ | 52.4 | AL | ≥ | 12.5 | Na | ≤ | 32.4 | SiO2 | ≤ | 0.24 | Fe2O3 | ≤ | 0.052 | SO4-2- | ≤ | 0.82 | CaO | ≤ | 0.15 | P2O5 | ≤ | 0.012 | H2O | ≤ | 0.25 | 灼减(550℃) | ≤ | 2.1 | 分子比 | ≤ | 3.0 |
物化性质:无色单斜晶系晶体,常因含杂质而呈灰白色、淡红色、淡黄色或黑色。相对密度2.9-3.0, 熔点1000℃。微溶于水,水溶液呈酸性。遇硫酸分解放出有毒的氟化氢气体。 产品用途:主要用于炼铝的助熔剂、农作物的杀虫剂、搪瓷釉药的熔融剂和乳白剂。也用于制造乳白 玻璃,还可用于铝合金和沸腾钢生产及砂轮的配料等。 |
Introduction and usage of Cryolite |
ⅠCryolite is a mineral known as Na3AlF6, belonging to white monoclinic system (at 109 centigrade), lightly dissovled in water and can be dissovled in alumina. It is used as flux in electrolyse aluminum operation, and sunscreen for the making of ivory glass and porcelain enamel.Cryolite’s molecular formula is Na3AlF6, molecular weight is 209.94. it is a complex. Its color varies to white, gray white,yellow powder or crystal grain with different impurity degree. Its melting point is 1025℃, bulk density 0.6~1.0g/L, true density 2.95~3.05g/cm3, heat of formation 225KJ, proportion 2.75~3.00g/cm3, and heat of fusion is 107KJ. ⅡIt is widely used as flux of electrolyse aluminum; or Anti-Wear ,Additive for abrasive product, which can effectively enhance grinding wheel’s wearing, cutting, and chopping power, as well as prolong the grinding wheel’s life and storage time; it is also the flux for ferroalloy and rimmingsteel, flux for nonferrous metal, deoxidizer for foundry, polymerization catalyst for chain alkylation, as well as antireflecting glass paste, emulsifying agent for porcelain enamel, opacifier for glass, flux for welding material, filler for chinaware and pesticide etc.