优道自动变速箱高效保护剂 别称:高效变速箱内部保护剂 产品编号:UD-108/325ML 企业标准:Q/YK 020-2009 产品仅供4S店使用
产品特性: 1. 能在变速箱内金属摩擦面生成坚韧的保护膜,减少摩擦生成的动力损失; 2. 高效抗氧化,降低油温、降低噪音、减少震动、减少ATF损耗; 3. 防止变速箱跳档、换挡抖动、进退档缓慢、汽车起步无力等; 4. 在低温下有卓越的流动性,高温时可形成更好的油膜保护层; 5. 具有极强的抗腐蚀性、抗沉淀性,能保护密封垫、油封、垫片及变速箱组件,并恢复以上部件的弹性和柔性、防止漏油; 6、有效防止传动液中生成胶质及沉积物,防止传动液氧化。 使用方法: 本品适用于各类自动变速箱; 1. 在更换变速箱油时,注入本产品; 2. 检查传动液液面处于适当位置; 3. 通过传动液加注口添加,每次一瓶,不可逾量; 4. 每40000公里使用一次。
注意事项: 本品不慎溅入眼中,立即用清水冲洗,再去医院治疗; 存放于阴凉干燥处,禁止吞咽,避免儿童接触。 Automatic gear box highly effective protecting agent Features Can generate friction surface of metal gearbox tough protective film to reduce friction generated Power loss; High resistance to oxidation, lower oil temperature, reduce noise, reduce vibration and reduce damage ATF Consumption; Skip file to prevent transmission, shift jitter, slow into reverse gears, brakes and weak start; Usage This product is applicable to all types of automatic transmission; The replacement of gearbox oil, injected into the product; Check transmission fluid surface inposition. Through the transmission fluid filleradded, each bottle is not more than quantity; Used once every 40,000 km.. CautionsIngestion: no emetic medical treatment is needed. Avoid contact skin and eyes. Incase contacted, wash by plent of water, or medical treatment is needed when serious.Keep the product on drafty place, avoid sun light,heat, prevent storage under high temperature. Far away from children. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 车境界目前拥有国内首屈一指的3大汽车养护品牌,即UD优道、施立盾、固诺 并且拥有最全面的汽车养护用品线,包括13大系统养护: 冷却系统、燃油系统、皮带保养、转向系统、行驶系统、刹车系统、空调系统、全车防锈、润滑系统、进排气系统、引擎舱保养、车身精致保养、自动变速箱系统 现面向全国,诚招加盟店面,专业承接汽车养护用品OEM订单! 花最少的投资,创自有品牌,赚超额利润!! 需要了解更多,请致电咨询:400-662-8285 |