The followingis the mainelaborationindustriallightingproducts:
? 适用场所
?suitable places
● 适用于大型场馆、高尔夫球场、铁路转运站、重机厂区等场所作控光型大范围照明。
Suitable forlarge venues,golf course,railwaystation,heavy machinefactory and other placesas thelight controlof large scalelighting.
? 材质及特性
?materials and features
● 高压铸铝外壳、表面静电喷塑处理,抗酸碱腐蚀。
●high-pressure cast aluminumshell,the surface electrostatic sprayprocessing,antiacid and alkali corrosion.
● 多面体高纯铝反射器,有镜面、压花两种非对称型配光系统,眩光控制好。
●polyhedronhigh purity aluminum reflector,amirror,embossingtwoasymmetric light distributionsystem,glarecontrol.
● 透明件采用耐高温钢化玻璃,透光率高。
Thetransparent partadopts the high temperature resistanttoughened glass,high transmittance.
● 用耐高温硅橡胶密封圈,防护等级高。
High temperature resistant silicone rubbersealing ring withthehigh level of protection.
● 采用不锈钢螺栓作紧固件,可以保证使用寿命。
● adoptstainless steelboltfasteners,canensure service life.
Application:can be placed in thecameraoutside the range,or objectsinside,willflood lightsplaced near theposition of the object surface,it willproduce brightlighton the surface of an objectcan beprojected,darkandmixed in themodel,radiation rangecan be adjusted,can producecast shadowsof objects.
? 结构特性
● 采用超大功率高强度气体放电灯作光源,功率因数可达0.90,高效节能;
●with large power highintensity discharge lampas the light source,power factorup to 0.90,high efficiency and energy saving;
● 特别制作的控光系统,可有效控制眩光,减少光污染;
Light controlsystem,specially produced,which can effectively control the glare,reduce light pollution;
● 外壳采用轻质合金材料和高科技喷涂技术,防水、防尘,耐腐蚀,可在高温潮湿等恶劣环境下长期使用;
Theshellis made of light alloymaterialsand high-techspraying technology,waterproof,dustproof,corrosion resistance,can be used for a long timein the hot and humidenvironment;
● 外形美观,良好的防震性能,增强了灯具的可靠性;
Thebeautiful appearance,good shockproof performance,enhance thereliability ofthelamp;
● 具有良好的电磁兼容性,不会对周边环境造成电磁干扰;
●has good electromagnetic compatibility,noton surrounding environment caused by electromagnetic interference;
● 安装支架设置调节机构,采用座式、壁挂式等多种安装方式,操作简单方便。
●mounting bracketsetting mechanism,theseat type,hanging typeand so on many kinds of installation,simple operationand convenient.
? 意义
● 泛光灯不是聚光灯、投射灯、射灯。泛光灯制造出的是高度漫射的、无方向的光而非轮廓清晰的光束,因而产生的阴影柔和而透明,用于物体照明时,照明减弱的速度比用聚光灯照明时慢得多,甚至有些照明减弱非常慢的泛光灯,看上去像是一个不产生阴影的光源。而聚光灯投射出定向的、边界清楚的光束,照亮一个特定的区域。
●floodlightisn'tthe spotlight,projection lamp,lamp.Floodlightsmanufactureis highly diffuse,non directionallightrather than clear-cut,thusgeneratingsoft shadows and transparentobjects,used forlighting,lighting is reducedfaster thanwith the spotlightlighting ismuch slower,and even somelightingweakenedfloodlight isvery slow,it looks like ado notcast a shadowof light.Butthe spotlightprojectingbeamorientation,clear boundary,a specific arealight.
? 分类:
● 投光灯可按其出射光束光强分布的对称性分为旋转对称形、两个对称平面形、一个对称平面形和不对称形4种。
●cast light lampsaccording tothe outgoingsymmetryof beam intensity distribution ispided intotwo symmetricalshape,rotational symmetryplane,aplane of symmetryandasymmetry form4.
? 技术参数
?technical parameters
额定电压 220VAC 50Hz
Rated voltage of 220VAC50Hz
额定功率 1000W
Rated power 1000W
光源类型 金卤灯 钠灯
Type of lampsodium lamp metal halide lamp
防护等级 IP65
Protection class IP65
防腐等级 WF2
The anti-corrosion classWF2
外形尺寸 550×235×665mm
Dimensions550x 235 x 665mm
总 重 量 12Kg
The totalweight of12Kg
? 品质保证
?quality assurance
● 本产品严格按照IS09001:2000国际质量管理体系标准进行质量控制,确保产品质量高于国家标准完全达到设计要求,自购买3年内(光源保一年),产品正常使用下出现任何故障(非人为故障)由本公司免费维护。
● theproducts in strict accordance with the IS09001:2000international quality managementsystem standards for quality control,ensure product quality is higher than thenational standard,fully meet the design requirements,since the purchasewithin 3 years(light sourceto protect a year),anyfaultoccurs under normal operation(non-humanfault)maintenance freeby the company.