产品描述: |
规格:410(长)*390(宽)*920(高)mm 价格: 铁质:单132元/把(喷油),双142元/把(喷油 铝制:单172元/把(喷油),双172元/把(喷油) 座包:布包不可移动不用加钱(因为少了板),②布包可移动加10元(有板)。 材料: 管材:mm圆管1.0mm厚。铝25mm圆管1.8mm厚。 座包:①不可移动5cm,可移动3cm。 包装:单个泡泡袋包腿,堆叠后泡泡袋包裹,最后边用海绵皮。 堆叠规格:单杆:0.057m³/把,双杠:0.062m³/把。 装箱: 20GP :单杆28m³:420把(8把一叠),双杠28m³:455 把(7把一叠)。注:带座包少50把。 40GP :单杆54m³:950把(12把一叠),双杠68m³:870 把(12把一叠)。注:带座包少80把。 40HQ :单杆68m³:1200把(12把一叠),双杠68m³:1100把(12把一叠)。注:带座包少100把。 重量:铁制4.5KG;铝制3.5KG。 |
产品图片: |
材料与规格说明: |
框架材质:材质符合国家标准CB/和T5237-93标准,铁椅采用20*20足1.0mm或1.2mm;铝椅采用25*25*足1.8mm规格优质铝合金管材;椅子的连接部位均采用先进的氩弧焊,焊道光滑,椅子稳固,耐用。 油漆:喷油,高温烤漆,保证油漆的附着力,光洁度,在喷漆前经过防氧化处理,经过9道表面处理工序,油漆经过多层过滤,使表面光滑不气泡,附着力和耐磨性均符合国际标准,在正常使用下,表面历旧如新。有闪红金,闪青金,透明红,香槟银等多种油漆选择。; 布料:餐椅专用的高档涤纶布料,不起毛,不褪色,耐磨、耐脏、美观,有近百种布料供您选择。 海绵:高压一体成型PU定型坐棉,永不变形,可以做英标、美标阻燃,阻燃价格另记。 椅子规格:440*580*920,包装:气泡袋+纸皮+纤维袋,5张∕包,包装尺寸约:450*650*1300(出口包装尺寸不同)。 其他:椅子可以叠放,有专门为叠放设计的防撞胶粒,防止椅子表面损坏;为了安全起见,叠放请不要超过10张!椅脚有防滑脚,减少椅子对地板和地面的磨损。
【设计说明】:此款实酒店餐椅从打样到切料到车料再到油漆、包装一流程工作都井然有序的完成。抓住美观、高雅、及简约的特性来设计,产品造型优雅、简约 承受力:餐椅根据人体力学原理设计,完全符合国际标准,可承受280公斤压力而无损 |
其他类型产品 |
公司简介: |
联系方式: |
联系人:李先生 联系手机:15820204348 联系旺旺:jpy006 联系QQ :1529703164 |
关于运输: |
Product description [Wooden fixed] carton inside and wooden box outside, to ensure the safety of transportation [Environmental standards] meet the standards of Europe and theUnited States , through the EU environmental certification! Product ordering 1, The furniture is valuable commodity, also is the large product, please make sure of the size when you order. In addition to, don’t forget the color and details of the furniture. 2, if you move to new house, please proposed order at least 15-20 days, if your area is far in Guangdong and even abroad, while the ordered product without in warehouse, you need order 30 days or more in advance, Please note! Although most our furniture in stock, but the full set of furniture really have no a lot. As by color, hand-painted flower restrictions, so book in advance! About Transportation Our furniture are usually shipped through the logistics, buyers can specify a logistics company, if you do not specify the logistics, we will select logistics company which near buyer’s place, different journey length have different transport time. Our logistics costs listed for reference only, the actual cost to the logistics company's is decided by cargo volume, weight and the road distance. 1,Terms of freight payment. terms of freight by the buyer’s choice, 3, transport costs. Shop our logistics costs listed for reference only. In addition, we will give you your estimated shipping costs before payment. 4, place of delivery. General cargo is delivered to the local logistics point; if you requested home delivery, can tell us in advance, we should make sure of everything during our communication. 5, logistics sign. You can receive the goods as the product packaging is well; if packaging damage, may check the damaged parts, if not damaged goods, you can receive; if seized goods are damaged, please contact us immediately and we co-processing; If the packaging not damaged, bring home the products have problem, ex. a small amount of Paint Falling off, etc. are normal, you contact us directly confirmed, we will give you a replacement paint, usually can be resolved, if the furniture of some part are badly damaged, we will give you additional documents. After sales service Note: after the arrival of furniture, please keep the packaging three to five days, as if you want to return, then must use the wooden packing again, but have to return if thrown away, then you should pay the cost of the wooden frame. best wishes for you~
[Product paint] exporting green paintPo benzene
2, logistics choice. We have the long-term relationship with many logistic companies, as long as the delivery time are related to logistics, that we will meet your requirements as our best as we can.
Furniture goods during the transportation, there is little loss of Paint Falling off is inevitable , receiving receipt to keep with us and confirm everything. Tell us the exact location after receipt, damaged parts can make up their own paint correction treatment. But we will try our best to make everything better.