CLZ系列船用立式自吸离心泵适用于船舶载泵、舱底泵、冷却泵、消防泵及总用泵等。可用于输送温度不高于80℃的海水、淡水及列腐蚀性的其他液体介质。 CLZ Series marine vertical self-priming centrifugal pumps are used at cabin bottom to cool water and fight fire. It is able to carry sea water under 70 degrees.Fresh water and other non-eroding liquid. 从驱动端往下看泵为顺时针方向旋转。 Viewing from the motor end downward, this series pump rotates clockwise. 泵型号规格后缀字母意义: A、B、C表示泵叶轮经过第一、第二、第三次切割而改变性能参数的改型产品。 Z表示泵为直联式,无Z的为间接传动形式,间接传动形式带中间联轴节,便于泵的拆卸维修。 Pump Number’s meanings: A figure the first cut impeller, B figure the second, Cfigure the third Z figure Direct-drive transmission structural mode, If the one is no Z in the model numbel, figures that Indirect-drive transmission structural mode. It must be droved by an intermediate coupling. It is easy to disassemble and maintain. |