清道夫K1000泳池自动吸污机特点 Scavenger K1000 Pool CleanerFeature
◈ 电脑控制程序,智能式操作。 ◈ Computer control program, the smart operation.
◈ 无线遥控技术,50米范围内均可作业。 ◈ Wireless remote, operating within 50 meters.
◈ 转向灵活,可前后左右360度转向。 ◈ Turned around,360 degrees.
◈ 坦克车的履带式行走功能,适应各种池底环境。 ◈ Tanks for Caterpillar.
◈ 潜水艇的升降功能,可自动浮出水面。 ◈ Submarine down feature that automatically emerge.
◈ 清道夫的清污效果,吸力大,不留死角。 ◈ Clean-up effects, great suction, leaving no.
◈ 清理效率极高,每小时清理面积可达800-1200平米。 ◈ Clean-up area of up to 800-1200square meters per hour.
◈ 内置过滤装置可反复冲洗使用,后期使用成本极低。 ◈ Sfilter can be repeatedly used l, low cost.
◈ 顶置式外接排污管,针对超脏池底的不二选择。 ◈ Overhead-type external outfall
◈ 机身采用不锈钢和玻璃钢制作,坚实耐用达30年。 ◈ Solid and durable up to 30 years.
清道夫K1000泳池自动吸污机技术参数 / Scavenger K1000 Pool Cleaner Technique Data Chart