Emulsogen SF 8
Anionic emulsifier and wetting agent
Sodium di(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate in aqueous
Product properties *)
Active substance content
About 50 %
Appearance at 20 °C
Colourless, clear to cloudy liquid
Density at 20 °C
About 1.09 g/cm³
Solubility at 20 °C
Soluble in water
pH value (DIN EN 1262), 5 % as is in water
Flash point (DIN/ISO 2592)
> 100 °C
C.M.C. at 20°C
About 1 g/l active substance in water
Surface Activity at 5 g/l active substance
About 24 mN/m
FDA / BgVV* Listing
FDA § 175.300, § 176.170, § 176.210, § 178.3400
BfR Teil A II, XIV
*Bundesamt für Risikobewertung und Verbraucherschutz
Handling and Storage
Below 10 °C Emulsogen SF 8 turns to a cloudy, viscous
gel and a phase separation occurs. After heating to 25
°C and mixing with a propeller stirrer the product is
ready for use. During stirring Emulsogen SF 8 turns
from a cloudy and a clear solution.
Emulsogen SF 8 is used in following applications:
•As Wetting agent for general purposes,
•As foaming agent for carpet back sizing with e.g.
•As wetting agent for waterborne paints and coat-
ings with low VOC contents,
•As wetting agents for textile applications.
The dosage of Emulsogen SF 8 varies between 0.1 –
0.3 % based on the formulation.
•As tinting strength enhancer and stabilizer for or-
ganic pigments in emulsion paints
Recommended dosage for emulsion paints: 0,3 – 0,6%.
This information is based on our present state of knowledge and is intended to provide general notes on our products and their uses. It should not therefore be construed as guaranteeing specific properties of the products described on their suitability for a particular application. Any existing industrial property rights
must be observed. The quality of our products is guaranteed under our General Conditions of Sale.
*) These characteristics are for guidance only and are not to be taken as product specifications. The tolerances are given in the product specification sheet. For further information on product properties, toxicological, ecological and safety data, please refer to the safety data sheet.
�1�78�1�71= registered trademark by Clariant
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