產品特性與應用 Features and Applications:
■ Feature 特性
◆ Offer All Series Wide UVA Wavelength: 365nm-430nm
◆ Half Angle (2θ1/2) : 120°
◆ Lens Color : Silicone Water Clear
◆ 芯片直接與銅基板鍵結 Die Direct bonding to copper
◆高導熱 High thermal conductivity: 401W/(m·K)
◆溫度量測點 Thermocouple attach point
■ Applications 應用
◆ Special Lighting (特殊照明)
◆ Industrial Lighting (工業照明)
◆ Medical Lighting (醫療照明)
光電特性 Electrical/Optical Characteristics (Ta=25°C)
Parameter (參數) | Symbol (符號) | Conditions (測試條件) | Min. (最小值) | Avg. (平均值) | Max. (最大值) | Units (單位) |
Irradiance Note(1) (幅射照度) | Ee | IF=300mA | | 360 | | mW/cm2 |
Peak Wavelength (主波長) | WLP | IF=300mA | 390 | | 430 | nm |
Forward Voltage (順向電壓) | VF | IF=300mA | 36 | | 48 | V |
Thermal Resistance Junction To Board (熱阻) | RthJ-B | IF=300mA | | 0.4 | | ℃/W |
Temperature Coefficient of Forward Voltage (順向電壓之溫度係數) | ?VF/?T | IF=300mA | | 8 | | mV/℃ |
Reverse Current (反向漏電流) | IR | VR=5V | | | 10 | μA |
Viewing Angle[1] (發光角度) | 2θ1/2 | IF=300mA | 100 | 120 | 140 | Deg |
Note (1): Irradiance(輻射照度) measured by UV Intensity Meter, and the distance of Test is 5mm.
絕對最大額定值 Absolute Maximum Rating (Ta=25°C)
Parameter (參數) | Symbol (符號) | Ratings (數值) | Units (單位) |
Power Dissipation (消耗功率) | PD | 12 | W |
Continuous Forward Current (持續順向輸入電流) | IF | 300 | mA |
Peak Forward Current [2] (順向脈衝電流) | IF(Peak) | 450 | mA |
LED Junction Temperature (接面溫度) | TJ | 120 | ℃ |
Reverse Voltage (反向電壓) | VR | 5 | V |
Operating Temperature Range (工作溫度) | TOPR | -30℃ To +80℃ |
Storage Temperature Range (儲存溫度) | TSTG | -40℃ To +100℃ |
Manual Solding Temperature (手工焊接溫度) | TSOL | 260℃±20℃ For 3-5 Seconds |
ESD Sensitivity (抗靜電能力) | ESD | 500V HBM |
Notes:[1]. Tolerance Θ:10?,(Θ公差為 10?)
[2]. 1/10 Duty Cycle 0.1ms Pulse Width. (脈衝寬度 0.1ms,占空比 1/10)