COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 278/2009 of 6 April 20092009年4月6日欧共体委员会规章(EC) No 278/2009Implementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of theCouncil with regard to ecodesign requirements for no-load conditionelectric power consumption and average active efficiency ofexternalpower supplies贯彻欧洲议会和欧洲理事会的指令2005/32/EC中关于外部供电电源的空载功耗和平均工作效率的生态化设计要求Enters into force: 26.04.2009 2009年4月26日强制执行Keypoint:要点–Scope (Article 1)范围(第1条)–Ecodesign requirement (Article 3, Annex II)生态化设计要求(第3条,附件II)–Conformity assessment (Article 4)符合性评定(第4条)–Verification (Article 5, Annex III)验证(第5条,附件III) –Benchmark (Article 6, Annex IV)基准(第6条,附件IV)
1.This regulation establishes ecodesign requirements related toelectricpower consumption in no-load condition andaverage active efficiencyofexternal power supplies.此规章确定了涉及到外部供电电源的空载功耗和平均工作效率生态化设计要求。2. This Regulation shallnotapply to:此规章不适用于(a) voltage converters;电压转换器(例如230V转110V)(b) uninterruptible power supplies;不间断供电电源(c) battery chargers;电池充电器(d) halogen lighting converters;卤素灯转换器(e) external power supplies for medical devices;医学设备的外部供电电源
1, ‘external power supply’ means a device which meets all of thefollowing criteria:“外部供电电源”是指符合全部以下条件的设备:–(a)it is designed to convert alternating current (AC) power input from the mains power source input into lower voltage direct current (DC) or AC output;用于把从主电源的交流输入转换为低压直流或交流输出(b) it is able to convert to only one DC or AC output voltage at a time;一次仅可转换一个直流或交流输出电压(c) it is intended to be used with a separate device that constitutes the primaryload;和单独提供主负载的设备一起使用(d) it is contained in a physical enclosure separate from the device thatconstitutes the primary load;装在物理外壳内并与提供主负载的设备分离