Cylinder-bed, 1-needle, Unison-feed, Lockstitch Machine | |
DSC-244-7 | |
DSC-244 | |
DSC-245-7 (with automatically lubricated for hook) | |
DSC-245 (with automatically lubricated for hook) | |
DSC-246-7 (with double-capacity hook) | |
DSC-246 (with double-capacity hook) | |
The unison-feed provides the optimal feed efficiency by feeding heavy materials smoothly and firmly.
The diameter of the cylinder is as small asφ46mm for a standard hook orφ 50mm for a double-capacity hook. The small-diameter cylinder is quite helpful for handling bags, shoes, and other small articles smoothly and easily.
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Model nameDSC-244(V)-7, 244(V)DSC-245(V)-7, 245(V)DSC-246(V)-7, 246(V)
ApplicationV type: attaching of piping tape |
Max. sewing speed2,200rpm |
Max. stitch length6mm |
Presser footBy knee: 13mm, 15mm (without trimmer) | By knee: 14mm By knee: 15mm (without trimmer) |
Alternating verticalmovement3.0~4.8mm |
NeedleDP×17(#18) #14~#21 | DP×17 (#21) #14~#23 |
Thread#50~#20, B33~B69, Nm=120/3~40/3 | #50~#8, B33~B92, Nm=120/3~30/3 深圳华联针车行是以销售新旧电脑针车,缝纫设备,电脑车维修及零配件的经营商;华联秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。 主要销售的品牌有:兄弟牌,JUKI牌,三菱牌,金轮牌,海菱牌,标准牌。本佳牌,真善美,日星牌,保时捷,银箭,大王牌,风琴牌,TNC,多特牌,蜜蜂,大宇牌,佐文牌,鹰牌,菜刀王,利达行,大洁王等国内外知名品牌缝制设备及零配件。 主要产品有:平车,双针车,DY车,铲皮机,切带机,滚边机,8B高车,341高车,锁边车,人字车,打枣车,电脑花样车,810/820高头车,罗拉车,柱车,裁断机,剪线机,珠片机等特种机型针车以及衣车油,针板,送布牙,刀片,梭壳,线心,剪刀,压脚,喷枪水,车针,等零配件;以及专业维修服务,我们的产品适用于各种手袋厂、箱包厂、高尔夫球袋、运动旅行用品厂、皮具厂等,我们将竭诚为贵公司提供最优质的产品和服务。 |