NAME:林 捷
TEL: 13450351324/13527635052
Q Q: 2560275322
ADD: 广州市白云区云城南三路393号万达广场A1-406室
Guangzhou SeaHog International Logistics is the largest China import Customs Clearance Agency company for food materials and food products imports.Seahog can be the import agent for the following import projects, but not limited to: beer & beverage import customs declaration, red wine import customs declaration, olive oil import customs clearance, dry fruit import customs clearance, canned food import customs declaration, sauce and condiment import customs clearance, candy customs declaration, dried food, Frozen seafood and other food stuff import customs clearance and logistics services.Since 2001, Seahog have been taking large food import package projects and food import door to door logistics, providing a full set of food import customs clearance services(including Chinese label design for imported food, import consignee enterprise registration, food import license agency, Hong Kong warehouse and distribution, barge, import customs declaration, import commercial inspection, mainland China warehouse and logistics and other import logistics supply chain services )for beverage, red wine, olive oil, dried food, canned food, sauce, condiment, candy and other food stuff. With a team of over 300 professional import consultants, Guangzhou SeaHog International Logistics, take and operate import logistics in nine big port cities of China(Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Qingdao, Ningbo,Xiamen, Dongguan, Suzhou). Thanks to the in-house ERP central case information software, Seahog is able to provide the best import logistics solution for clients within three minutes.
1)服务态度 2)反应速度 3)服务可行性
4)公司规模架构 5)服务报价 6)服务员素养
深圳业务中心 地址:深圳市龙华 民治大道(工业西路交汇处) 展滔科技大厦2303-04-05室
东莞业务中心 地址:东莞市南城区.元美路.华凯广场A栋601-2-3室
上海业务中心(总部)地址:上海浦东新区 张杨路3611号 金桥国际商业广场6座906-07-08室
苏州业务中心 地址:苏州昆山开发区.伟业路18号.现代广场A1309-10室
宁波业务中心 地址:宁波市江东区彩虹南路11号 嘉汇国贸中A1504单元
天津业务中心 地址:天津市和平区解放北路188号 信达广场2609单元
青岛业务中心 地址:青岛市开发区长江中路517号长江中心2105单元
成都业务中心 地址:成都市人民南路四段19号威斯顿联邦大厦1809室