Shanghai Metal Materials Co., Ltd. North Run - Q345D channel
1.Q345D槽鋼是截面為凹槽形的長條鋼材。其規格以腰高(h)*腿寬(b)*腰厚(d)的毫米數表示,如120*53*5,表示腰高為120毫米,腿寬為53毫米,腰厚為5毫米的槽鋼,或稱12#槽鋼。腰高相同的槽鋼,如有幾種不同的腿寬和腰厚也需在型號右邊加abc 予以區別,如25a# 25b# 25c#等。
1.Q345D channel is a cross-section of the groove-shaped strip of steel. The specifications to waist high (h) * leg width (b) * waist thickness (d) of a few millimeters, such as 120 * 53 * 5, which means that the waist height of 120 mm, leg width of 53 mm, waist thickness of 5 mm slot steel, or 12 # channel. High waist same channel, if several different legs wide and thick waist also need to model the right plus abc be different, such as 25a # 25b # 25c # and so on.
2.英文釋譯 Channel Steel
2 English mistranslated Channel Steel
3Q345D channel classification and uses
Q345D channel sub-channel steel and light channel. Hot-rolled channel steel specifications for the 5-40 #. The agreement between the supply of hot alternative channel specifications for 6.5-30 #. Channel is mainly used for building structures, vehicle manufacturing and other industrial structures, channels and beams often used in conjunction.