福州撒尿牛丸机 定做撒尿牛丸机 撒尿牛丸机价格就在连江鑫博食品机械
1、可以生产猪肉丸、牛肉丸、大 肉丸、鸡肉丸、弹性肉丸、鱼肉丸、 潮洲肉丸、普通肉丸;
2、可生产菠菜绿色素丸、胡萝卜素肉丸、香菇肉丸、蛋白素肉丸等肉蔬菜 丸系列;
3、肉丸大小可调,产品皮光柔滑、爽 脆,让人口齿留香;
5、该机采用不锈钢制造,经久耐用, 外形美观,符合国家食品卫生标准。
6、制品重量8-25克/个、馅料多少、生产速度,均能自动调节,最高产量 可达200个没分钟,相当于12到 18 个工人同时手工制作的效率。
1, can produce pork balls, beef balls, big balls, chicken balls, elastic meatballs, fish balls, Chaozhou meatballs, ordinary meatballs;
2, can produce spinach green pigment pills, carotene meatballs, mushrooms, meatballs, meatballs and other meat, vegetable protein hormone pill series;
3, meatballs size adjustable, light skin products smooth, crisp, people articulate fragrant;
4, good shape, easy to operate
5, the machine made of stainless steel, durable, beautiful appearance, consistent with national food hygiene standards.
6, the product weight 8-25 g / month, number of fillings, production speed, can automatically adjust the maximum output of up to 200 no minutes, the equivalent of 12 to 18 workers, while handmade efficiency.