进口双杠杆安全阀适用于温度≤450℃的电站锅炉和压力容器上,防止压力超过允许最高值,介质可为蒸汽、空气。 主要零部件材料 NO. 零件名称 材料 1 阀体 碳钢 2 导向套 不锈钢 3 阀瓣 2Cr13 4 阀杆 2Cr13 5 杠杆 碳钢 6 重锤 铸铁 外形尺寸和连接尺寸 型号 公称通径 尺寸 do-z D D1 D2 D6 f f1 b Z-ød L H 出口法兰式 出口承插式 DN' D2' D1' D' n-M d1 K2 K3 D3 16 50 40×1 165 125 100 / 3 / 16 4-18 840 412 125 175 200 235 8-M16 120 145 162 190 25 50 40×1 165 125 100 / 3 / 20 4-18 840 412 125 175 200 235 8-M16 120 145 162 190 40 50 40×1 165 125 100 88 3 4 20 4-18 840 412 125 175 200 235 8-M16 120 145 162 190 64 50 40×1 175 135 105 88 3 4 26 4-23 840 420 125 175 200 235 8-M16 120 145 162 190 100 50 40×1 195 145 112 88 3 4 28 4-25 840 420 125 175 200 235 8-M16 120 145 162 190
进口安全阀介绍 (阀门概述、工作原理、技术参数、特点、型号、规格) 进口安全阀是一种由进口静压开启的自动泄压防护装置,它是压力容器最为重要的安全附件之一,它的功能是:当容器内压力超过某一定值时,依靠介质自身的压力自动开启阀门,迅速排出一定数量的介质。当容器内的压力降到允许值时,阀又自动关闭,使容器内压力始终低于允许压力的上限,自动防止因超压而可能出现的事故,所以安全阀又被称为压力容器的最终保护装置。安全阀根据工作压力能自动启闭,一般安装于封闭系统的设备或管路上保护系统安全。安全阀属于自动阀类,主要用于锅炉、压力容器和管道上,控制压力不超过规定值,对人身安全和设备运行起重要保护作用。安全阀是一种安全保护用阀,它的启闭件受外力作用下处于常闭状态,当设备或管道内的介质压力升高,超过规定值时自动开启,通过向系统外排放介质来防止管道或设备内介质压力超过规定数值。当设备或管道内压力超过规定值时,即自动开启泄压,保证设备和管道内介质压力在规定数值以内,阀门自动开启,介质从中泄出、减压;当压力回到正常值时,弹簧压力又将阀芯推向阀座,阀门自动关闭。安全阀类的作用是防止管路或装置中的介质压力超过规定数值,从而达到安全保护的目的体的容器。
美 国 约 克 国 际 集 团
The original:
USA YOCO INTERNATIONAL GROUP is a global technology leader in fluid control in engineering companies and large suppliers. June 1928 known as the United States Steel in Pittsburgh, a city of both the formal establishment of eighty years, YOCO's production technology and the valve sales and service network continues to expand, so far around the world already has seven sales offices, Hundreds of service stations, manufacturing plants and subsidiaries. U.S.A.YOCO including the production base in China, the United States, Britain, France, Mexico, Australia, Malaysia, Japan, Italy, Spain and other regions. YOCO has become the world's largest valves, flow controllers and the most professional manufacturers of industrial equipment, today's YOCO has been recognized as the world leaders in the field of fluid control. Dedicated to scientific research and development of fluid control, fluid control equipment, production systems, in many countries and have production bases. YOCO valves user involves the petroleum, chemical, electric power, metallurgy, pharmaceutical, food, water treatment, municipal water supply and drainage, gas, paper making, electronic industry, building, mechanical equipment and other fields.
Shanghai XianDie Valve Limited Company is authorized as the General Agent of the USA YOCO INTERNATIONAL GROUP in China,is responsible for the promotion,the sale,the technical support and the corresponding service work about valves of USA YOCO INTERNATIONAL GROUP in China.