进口氧气阻火器阀门前、后阻火器是采用特种铜合金和不锈钢焊接而成。可以有效地防止氧气管道阀门在突然开启时易形成的“绝热压缩”,局部温度骤升,成为着火能源;可以防止在阀门前后压差作用下,高速运动的物质微粒(如铁锈、粉尘、焊渣等)与阀后管道摩擦、撞击产生火花而成为着火能源。阻火器的使用可以迅速阻断火源,杜绝管道中燃爆事故的发生。 性能及材质 公称通径(DN) 15-500 公称压力(MPa) 1.6 2.5 试验压力 强度 2.4 3.75 密封 1.76 2.75 适用介质 氧气 阻燃器材质 铜 接头材质 不锈钢 公称通径DN 进口氧气阻火器 FPV-XT氧气管道阀门前、后阻火器 型号规格 D L 型号规格 D L 15 FP-1.5T 18 600 FP-1.5T 18 1600 20 FP-2.0T 25 600 FP-2.0T 25 1600 25 FP-2.5T 32 600 FP-2.5T 32 1600 32 FP-3.2T 38 600 FP-3.2T 38 1600 40 FP-4.0T 48 600 FP-4.0T 48 1600 50 FP-5.0T 57 700 FP-5.0T 57 1700 65 FP-6.5T 76 700 FP-6.5T 76 1700 80 FP-8.0T 89 700 FP-8.0T 89 1700 100 FP-10T 108 700 FP-10T 108 1700 125 FP-12.5T 133 700 FP-12.5T 133 1700 150 FP-15T 159 800 FP-15T 159 1800 200 FP-20T 219 800 FP-20T 219 1800 250 FP-25T 273 800 FP-25T 273 1800 300 FP-30T 325 800 FP-30T 325 1800 350 FP-35T 377 800 FP-35T 377 2050 400 FP-40T 426 800 FP-40T 426 2300 450 FP-45T 480 800 FP-45T 480 2550 500 FP-50T 530 800 FP-50T 530 2800
本产品广泛应用于冶金、化工等行业的氧气输送管道,可有效地切断因高速气流中杂物与管壁急剧磨擦产生的火源,杜绝管道燃爆事故的发生。用户可直接将本产品与输氧管道的适当部位焊接连通即可运行。 本阻火器适用于管道DN15-500mm,工作压力不大于3MPa的氧气管道阻火之用。有法兰、内螺纹连接。
美 国 约 克 国 际 集 团
The original:
USA YOCO INTERNATIONAL GROUP is a global technology leader in fluid control in engineering companies and large suppliers. June 1928 known as the United States Steel in Pittsburgh, a city of both the formal establishment of eighty years, YOCO's production technology and the valve sales and service network continues to expand, so far around the world already has seven sales offices, Hundreds of service stations, manufacturing plants and subsidiaries. U.S.A.YOCO including the production base in China, the United States, Britain, France, Mexico, Australia, Malaysia, Japan, Italy, Spain and other regions. YOCO has become the world's largest valves, flow controllers and the most professional manufacturers of industrial equipment, today's YOCO has been recognized as the world leaders in the field of fluid control. Dedicated to scientific research and development of fluid control, fluid control equipment, production systems, in many countries and have production bases. YOCO valves user involves the petroleum, chemical, electric power, metallurgy, pharmaceutical, food, water treatment, municipal water supply and drainage, gas, paper making, electronic industry, building, mechanical equipment and other fields.
Shanghai XianDie Valve Limited Company is authorized as the General Agent of the USA YOCO INTERNATIONAL GROUP in China,is responsible for the promotion,the sale,the technical support and the corresponding service work about valves of USA YOCO INTERNATIONAL GROUP in China.