圣桑蛋白纤维(Saint-Saens Protein
圣桑蛋白纤维(Saint-Saens Protein Fiber),克服了真丝织物娇嫩、色牢度差、易缩、易皱、易泛黄、遇强碱易脆损等缺陷。同时兼具真丝和生物质纤维色泽亮丽,以其柔美如丝、亲肤如绒的特点,以及蚕蛹蛋白中所蕴含的18种氨基酸能够润泽皮肤,抗紫外线,绿色环保等特性.圣桑蛋白纤维以滑爽如真丝,柔软似羊绒,以及18种氨基酸呵护亲肤、抵御紫外、吸湿透气等特点。种类和数量多,灌溉用水来源于天山冰雪融水,土壤未受污染。
Saint-saens protein fibers saint-saens
protein fiber, to overcome the delicate silk fabric, poor color fastness, easy
to shrink, easy to fold, easy to yellowing and met alkali brittle damage and
other defects. While both silk and biomass fiber bright color, with its soft as
silk, skin-friendly features such as velvet,As well as in the pupa protein
contains 18 kinds of amino acids to moisturize the skin, anti-ultraviolet,green
and other features. Saens protein fibers are smooth as silk, soft like
cashmere, skin-care and 18 amino acids, resist UV, moisture permeability, etc.