适用范围: 电器化、电子、机械、食品、医药、化工、、饲料、纺织、服装、家具、塑料、文体用品等制造工厂的车间水泥或磨石地面。 APPLICATION For decorating,cement and terrazzp floor,walls and ceilings of workshops for producing beverage,food stuffs,cosmetics,electronics,medicines,electrical appliances,etc and places which need to befree form basification and dust.
性能特点: 1.防尘、防潮、耐磨; 2.便于清洁、施工快捷、维护方便、造价低廉; 3.附着力强、柔韧性好、耐冲击; 4.厚度0.3-0.5mm.
FEATURE 1.Dust-proof,damp-proof,abrasion resistance; 2.Easy to clean,apply and maintain,lowcost; 3.Excellent adhesion and flexibility,impact resistance; 4.0.2 to 0.3mm in thickness.
SERVICE LIFE 3 to 5 years in general. | 施工工艺: 1.基面处理; 2.涂刷封闭底漆; 3.批刮腻子; 4.打磨,吸尘; 5.涂刷色漆;
PROCESSING 1.Treating surface 2.Brushing sealer; 3.Serapng putty; 4.Leveling,cleaning; 5.Rolling colored paint; 6.Overcoating vanish. |