中 垦 电 子 有 限 公 司 |
【产品规格书】 |
| | 玻 管 式 保 险 丝 | | |
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Fuse for Instrumcnt,Power and telephone(Nonindicating) |
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1. 适用范围:本标准适用于保护仪器,各类电器元件,电源供应器和电话机用之玻管式熔断保险丝. |
1. Available Range:For protccting instrurucnts,all electron or electronal power supplies and |
telephone sets |
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2. 形状及尺寸如下图:(单位:mm) |
2. Shape & size as following illustrations:(unit:mm) |
2.1 构造形状如上图:(Structure & Shape as shown in figure abave) |
3±0.2_____mm*10±1______mm ( ______ inch ________inch ) formally called_______ |
2.2 额定电压(Rated Voltage): 250V AC |
2.3 额定电流(Rated Current): T2A AC |
| NO | Parr Name 部名 | Material材料 | Size尺寸 | |
| A | Ferrule Cap套盒(铜头) | Capper(nickel plaring)铜(镀镍) | 3.6*3.65±0.2 | |
| B | Tube 筒管 | Glass Tube(transparenl)陶瓷 | 3.0*9.3±0.5 | |
| C | Fuse Solube Eloment可熔体 | Silver Alloy银合金线 | | |
| D | Adhesive粘胶 | Resin & Hardening Agent树脂硬剂 | | |
| E | Solder焊锡 | Sn锡99.3%Cu0.7%&rosin alcohol flux焊剂 | Φ0.8mm | |
| F | Pig引线 | Capper Plaring Tinqmgk 铜镀锡 | 0.60*30±0.5 | |
2.4 标识(Mark) 3.15A250V 31TD CQC |
3. 材料(Material) |
3.1 陶瓷管本体:陶瓷管清晰. |
3.1 Glass tube:Transparenr glass in which the fuse is clear and perspectable .Nobreaking or |
deformation. |
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3.2 两端铜盖:须以导电良好之黄铜底材料. |
3.2 Tow brass and caps:Made of brass of good conductiviry. |
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3.3 铜盖处理:铜盖部分镀镍 | 标示最后若加"S"者表示须镀银 |
3.3Coating of brass caps plaring the surfacc with nickel If the indicaron is added with "S". |
it needs to be plared with silver. |
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3.4铜盖强度:铜盖和玻管本体间的扭力最小720g/cm. |
3.4Slrength of brass caps:The minimum tortion beteen brass caps and glass tube is 720g/cm. |
4 电气特性:(Charactcrristics of Electrical Appliancos) |
4.1负载容量:额定电流测100%,能继续通电无任何熔化现象. |
4.1 Loading Capacity :The listed electrical (Included) add 100% for following,add it\'s |
available to let current kurrcnt.Keep on flowing without any melding. |
4.2温度特性:进行上项测试须1.5小时后继续维持原加之电流,每隔十分钟测试一次,连续测三次,温度不得 |
升高,若使用热偶式测量方法(Tbermocouple mcthod)则本体温升在70°C以下,若使用温度计测量方法 |
则在 50°C以下. |
4.2Temperature:Proceed the prcceding test for 1.5 houres ,Keep testing it with the original |
current every 10 minutes.Continue to test it for 3 times The temperature is not allowed to |
be higher The main temperature is below 70°C by way of Thermocouple Method While it keeps |
below 50°C by way of Thermometer Mcthod. |
4.3电阻测量:调整保险丝之额定电流达10%时,在保险丝两端使用高阻抗电压表测量降压值,以计算电阻值或 |
电桥方式测量(额定电流2.5安培含以上者,无须测量电阻值) |
4.3Resistance Measuring:Adjust the fuse upto listed electrical current 10%,we measure on two |
ends of the fuse with high voltage meter and caculare the resistance value with electrical |
brige way.(If the listed currecct equal or more the 2.5 Amp,it\'s not necessary to measure |
the resistance value) |
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熔 断 时 限 |
| 电流Amper | 1000%Roating | 400%Roating | 275%Roating | 210%Roating |
| 时间Time | Max:300msMin:20ms | Max :3s Min:150ms | Max:10s Min:600ms | Max: 120s Min: |
| 电压Voltege | 250V | 250V | 250V | 250V |
5. 机械特性(Mechanical Properties): |
乃经下述实验证明(Terminal Connections & Lead Solderability) |
5.1 拉力强度(Terminal Strength) |
当施加轴向拉力__1.1____磅于两端导线(或套盖)___5___分钟后,无松动或损坏现象发生. |
Lead and/or caps are soldcred(adhcrcd) to with stand axial pulling force of__1.1___pounds |
for___5___mine.without loosening or any harmfulness to firmly arlachment. |
5.2 回转强度(Torsion Strength) |
① 固定一端铜头,另一端施加720g/cm 的力左右摇动,铜头不得松动及发生任何本体的损坏. |
After being subjecteed to 720g/cm torsion to one cap while other terminal fixed ,no any |
damage or loosmning resulted. |
②一端导线弯折90度,本体以原轴旋转360度(5秒),三次不同方向之旋转后,导线或结合处不发生损坏. |
One lead bent through 90°the bady be clamped and rotated through 360°at a rate or(5 sec) |
about the original axis,Vophisical damage to leads or connections resulted after 3 time |
successive-altematero-tations. |
5.3 弯折强度(Bending Strength): |
导线经过两次反方向之弯折后(弯折90度同折回原位置之一次弯折)不发生损坏. |
After two bends of Opposite directions(bending through an angle of 90°and back is detined |
as one bond ) of lead ,Nodamage are to be visualized. |
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