最新供应苹果IPAD,IPHONE,IPOD视频转接线,可以转成VGA /DVI/HDMI 信号轻松将苹果电脑、苹果手机、苹果MP4连接到任何大尺寸的显示器,享受高质量的高清画面。欢迎订购!
ipad dock连接器转VGA线,有了这跟线,您就可以将ipad的视频信号转到投影仪,或者液晶电视上了! iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter 通过将你的iPad与使用VGA连接器的监视器、投影仪或LCD显示屏相连,可在宽大的屏幕上观看幻灯片或视频。
Overview Use the iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter to connect an iPad to your television, projector, or VGA display. Then see your videos and slideshows on the big screen. The iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter connects to your iPad or iPad Dock via the dock connector and to your projector or display using the vga.