First,add fingerprints
Press the Red buttun ,when you hear “di “ twice from the buzzer ,put your finger on the fingerprint – reader when is flashing red light, after one second if you hear “di” twice from the buzzer ,then you hear “di”sound long time, it tells you that you regrister finggerpring successfully.(if it is not that ,you need regrister it again),you don’t register the finggerprint more than 32 set.
Second unlock ,press “START”buttun when the finggerprint-reader flash red light ,you put any fingerprint that has been registered, if you hear sound “di” long time ,the solenoid works ,the door has been opened.
Delete fingerprint
Press the red buttun long time about 12 seconds,when you hear sound “di” longer ,all fingerprints have been delected.
Voltage –low press the “START”button ,the red LED lights ,it tells you that you need to change the buttery as soon as possible.