工作原理 太阳光照射太阳能电池产生的电流经过逆变控制器对蓄电池充电,蓄电池的电经过逆变 控制器变成直流或交流供用电器使用,或通过并网逆变器直接将电能输入电网。 系统设计考虑因素: 1、用电器实际总功率及使用时间。 2、当地的有效日照时间。 3、当地的阴雨天气的比例。 4、应多预留系统正常工作的时间。 5、建系统地的气象资科,如日照时间,灾害性天气的情况。 6、建系统地必须开阔,在安装太阳能电池方阵处不得有高大建筑物或其它东西挡住阳 光。 Woking principle Solarsupply system is that the solar panel charges the soIar energy after sunshine to transfer into the electric power and store in the battery,through the controller over-charging and discharging protection and invenerl transformation,supply to electric appliance. Factors when designing should be considere: 1.The power of the electrical appliance and the worklng hours. 2.The efficient sunshine hours in the location 3.The proportion of the rainy and cloudy days in the location 4.The obligate working hours normally. 5.Set up the data in the light of the weather report for the location of generating system,such as sunshine hours,natural disaster and so on. 6.The area of the generating system should be wlde,and secure that there is no high building or other things to cover the solar panels. 7.Nearer the public electric net,better the location of the generating system is.