1、 LED红外感应球泡 (infrared sensing LED bulb)
功能介绍 (Function)
① 通电时感应球泡温机30秒(灯会亮),然后灭掉进入感应状态。
Light turns up for 30 seconds after power on, then enters the sensing status (light off).
② 当环境亮度低于10LUX时(日落黄昏状态),人进入感应球泡的感应范围内灯会自动亮,亮一次的时间为2分钟(可以设置时间)。
At ambient brightness below 10 Lux (twilight status), the LED light turns on automatically for 2 minutes whenever there is a person within sensing area. Different light-up time can be set.
③ 感应球泡感应范围为半径5M。感应一次亮灯2分钟,如人一直在感应区域并间隔活动,感应球泡会一直亮。
Infrared sensing range is 5 meters radius. It lights up for 2 minutes each time and continues to light up as long as a person stays in the sensing area with intermittent movements.
④ 感应球泡安装的高度(2—4)M太高太低会影响到感应区域。
Installation height is 2-4 meters. Sensing area can be affected if installation is too higher or too lower.