A 50-year leader for the varnishes of the future
超过半个世纪的悉心经营与发展,我们可以很自豪的说:我们关心,事实上,我们热爱,木材。这是因为我们与它们共同成长,呵护它们,使它们更美丽。永不停歇的技术研发,引发了木器涂料的一场又一场革命,使我们时常走在市场最前沿。当今市场需要:灵活,高产出,保证“JIT”服务。这些正是我们一如既往能够提供给客户的,其中绝大部分是完全通过电脑化生产程序来实现的。如今,我们已经成为业内的领导者,在意大利以及全世界拥有强大的分销网络, 但这仅仅是开始。我们并不满足,希望作为拓荒者,着眼于未来,创造更新更完美的木器涂料,来装点我们的朋友—木材。
After more than half a century, we can finally put our cards on the table: we care about, in fact, we love wood. We have grown together with this material, helped it grow and made it even better looking. When it comes to wood varnishes, we passionately strive to meet the cutting edge, often ahead of the times and the market. A market that these days demands flexibility, high output and assurances of “just in time” service. This we are able to provide thanks to a largely computerised production process using a centralised system which controls four PLCs, one for each of our production lines. Today our company is among the leaders in the sector, with a capillary distribution in Italy and throughout the world. Yet this counts relatively, because we pride ourselves in being first of all pioneers that look ahead. Certain that there are many more new and wonderful varnishes in our future and in the one of our friendly wood partner.
Vernici Egidio Milesi金莱茜特殊效果漆包括:大理石效果、织物效果、橡胶手感、陶瓷效果、龟裂效果、变色效果及应用于玻璃和塑料制品表面的耐化学性极佳的产品。作为您的朋友,我们会根据您的要求为您设计施工方法及配方,达到您满意的效果。