1、三目镜筒:倾斜45°可旋转360°瞳距55-75mm 视度±5°
2、平场目镜: 10X/22 mm
5、调焦:粗动立杆高度200mm 升降范围50mm
7、光源:卤素灯/荧光灯 上下光源可调 12/20W 220V5W
选购附件:目镜16X、20X、WF10X带尺目镜; 附加物镜0.5X、2X;220V/5W环形荧光灯
数码相机;数字彩色摄像头,彩色CCD,图像采集卡; 测量软件;图像分析软件
Use:The PXS6 zoom microscope from Shanghai LW Scientific offers users perfect performance at an affordable price. These advanced-design stereo microscopes have the features and image quality you would from a SHLWS product, including a wide field-of-view and a long working distance, a protective body glass to shield the instrument from dust particles, and both fluorescent and halogen lamps to provide both transmitted and reflected illumination. Mechanical design is simple yet durable for daily operations in industrial, laboratorial, and educational environments.
Product specifications:
1.Compensation Free Trinocular Head. Inclined at 45 ° Interpupillary Distance :55mm -75mm
2.Eyepiece 10x, 22mm pointer
3.Objectives of instrument charge the magnification continuously range of 0.65X to 4.5X; zoom
rate 1:7
4.Magnification: 45X
5.Focusing:focus distance 50mm
6.Working distance:110mm
7.Illumination:Top halogen12V/20W and bottom fluorescent 5W
Optional accessories:Eyepiece Wide field WF16X、20X; Dividing 10X(0.1mm);CCD、Digital camera、supplemental lenses 0.5X、2X;Power supply 200V/5W