ASI 335 Neutral-Cure Silicone Sealant/Adhesive
ASI 335中性固化硅酮密封胶/粘合剂
ASI 335 Neutral Cure Silicone Sealant/Adhesive is a one-part, non-slump, moisture-curing RTV (room temperature vulcanizing) that cures to form a tough, high modulus rubber with long-term flexibility and durability.
ASI 335是一种中性、单组份、非坍陷,在潮湿空气中固化的室温硫化硅酮密封胶/胶粘剂,固化后形成一个韧性的、高弹性模量橡胶,并具有长期弹性和耐久性。
The neutral curing mechanism of ASI 335 is ideally suited for use in confined work areas since no objectionable odors are evolved.
ASI 335的中性固化机理由于其固化过程中没有明显的刺激性气味而适用于密闭工作空间。
The non-slump characteristics of ASI 335 allow application to vertical or horizontal joints without flowing or sagging. ASI 335 has excellent resistance to weathering including ozone, ultraviolet radiation, freeze-thaw conditions and airborne chemicals.
ASI的非垂流特性允许其应用于垂直或水平的接缝而没有流动或下垂。ASI 335同时具有良好的抗风化性能包括臭氧、紫外线辐射、解冻条件和空气中的化学物质。
After cure, the wide heat stability range of ASI 335 is from -57°C to +204°C (-70°F to +400°F) and the sealant can be applied to surface temperatures from -18°C to +50°C (0°F to +120°F).
ASI 335可以应用于表面温度从-18°C到+ 50°C(0°F到+ 120°F)的物体表面,且固化后的热稳定性的范围从-57°°C到+ 204 C(-70°F到+ 400°F)。
ASI 335 can be used as a durable, general-purpose sealant/adhesive in a wide range of industrial applications.
ASI 335可以在广泛的工业领域作为一个通用的、持久的密封胶/胶粘剂。
Unprimed adhesion to a wide range of substrates is available with the use of ASI 335. For example, ASI 335 adheres to unprimed chrome and stainless steel, which other high modulus silicone sealants would require to be primed.
ASI 335可广泛使用在无底漆粘胶的基片。例如,ASI 335可粘结到无底漆粘胶的铬合金和不锈钢,而其他高弹性硅酮密封剂需要涂底漆。
As a formed-in-place gasket, ASI 335 exhibits low swell, low compression set and good oil resistance. These characteristics impart an unusual balance of properties to ASI 335 to prevent leakage in harsh environments such as engines, transmissions, water pumps, rear axles and oil pans. ASI 335 is not recommended to be used in cylinder heads, exhaust manifolds or in contact with fuels.
ASI 335固化后形成一自适应密封垫,具备低膨胀/压缩率和良好的耐油性能。这些特征使ASI335得以用于防泄漏在严酷的环境下,例如发动机、变速箱、水泵、后轮轴和油底壳。ASI 335不推荐用于气缸盖、废气再循环系统或直接接触燃料。
ASI 335 is ready to use and requires no mixing or additives.
ASI 335已经可以使用,不需要混合或添加剂。
The cure mechanism begins as soon as the sealant comes in contact with air. At conditions of 25°C (77°F) and 50% relative humidity, the sealant will skin in 10-20 minutes and cure in 24 hours (1/8” bead), with full cure strength in 7 days. Higher humidity accelerates cure. Tooling should be done before skinning takes place.
ASI335一旦接触空气即开始固化。在25°C条件(77°F)和50%的相对湿度,密封剂将在10 - 20分钟现成表面固化层和并在24小时内现成约3mm的固化层,7天彻底固化。高湿度可加速固化速度。任何的加工需在表面固化发生前完成。
In applications where partial or total confinement of sealant is prevalent, the time required for proper cure is generally lengthened by the degree of confinement.
Providing that all bonding surfaces are clean and dry. ASI 335 has excellent unprimed adhesion to most substrates. It there is any doubt about contamination, surfaces should be solvent wiped with oil-free solvents, such as xylol, toluol, naphtha or non-flammable chlorinated solvents. Do not solvent-wipe with oil-based solvents such as Varsol.
所有的粘结表面需保持清洁和干燥。ASI 335对绝大多数的非底漆表面具有优良的附着力。对于任何污染表面,可采用无油的溶剂擦拭,如:二甲苯、甲苯、挥发油或不易燃的氯化溶剂。不可使用含油溶剂擦拭,如:烃类溶剂。
Priming of ASI 335 is normally not required for application to most substrates. Unprimed adhesion can be readily tested by applying a small trial bead and allowing 7 days for maximum adhesion to occur. ASI 335 has excellent unprimed adhesion to many substrates as shown in the adhesion chart.
ASI 335对于大多数基质通常不需要底漆。无底漆的附着力测试可以很容易通过一个小试验珠实验来确定。ASI 335具有良好的无底漆粘附到许多基体上,见下表所示。
ASI 335 should not be applied to surfaces that will be painted. Painting over the sealant is not recommended because the paint film does not stretch with the extension of the sealant and the adhesion of paint to the sealant is not adequate.
ASI 335不可用于需油漆的表面,因为漆膜不能随着密封胶伸缩,在其表面油漆是不可取的。
ASI 335 is available in clear, white and black. Special colors are available upon request. Call for price and availability.
ASI 335有无色、白色和黑色。特殊的颜色可按照客户要求定制。
ASI 335 meets the requirements of
ASI 335符合MIL 46l06 Type 1.的要求
ASI 335 is permitted under regulations of the Food and Drug Administration where incidental food contact might be involved. FDA Regulation number is 175.105.
ASI 335基于食品和药物管理局的规定,允许用于可能接触到食物的表面。符合FDA 175.105的要求。
ASI 335 is supplied in (10.2 fI. oz.) caulking cartridge; (40 lb.) pail, (440 lb.) drum.
ASI335提供支(10.2 oz/300ml) ;桶(40磅),鼓(440磅)三种包装