性能特点 ○可安装6个蓝杆或浆杆。 ○可安装6个溶出杯,5个补液杯。 ○采用中文液晶屏人机界面友好,操作简单、方便。 ○主机工作参数可预置并自动储存,下次开机无须重复 设置。 ○转速控制采用细分电源驱动步进电机方式,转速准确, 运行平稳,能耗低。 ○恒温水浴采用内置PT1000传感器,软件运用PID 方式,升温快,精度高,可方便的用软件校正偏差。 ○定时功能显示当前取样点时间,累计总时间,取样点数。 同的取样周期,倒计时 ○具有自检功能和自动保护功能, 给出多种故障信号。 ○可外接微型打印机功能。 ○具有优盘储存功能,将实验数据保留,以便查看。 ○芯片程序可随时升级。 性能指标
○搅拌桨摆动幅度:≤0.5? ○转蓝摆动幅度:1≤? ○调速范围:25-250转/分 ○转速分辩率:1转/分 ○稳速误差: ≤±1% ○调温范围:10(室温)-45℃ ○温度分辩率:0.01℃ ○控温误差: ≤±0.05℃ ○计时累计时间:最长0-5999分钟,倒计时 ○取样周期时间:最多10个不同的取样周期,倒计时 ○取样周期的时间: 最长0-5999分钟,倒计时 ○电源功率:AC220V±10%,50Hz,1250W ○工作环境条件:温度5—40℃,相对湿度≤80%HR
RCZ-6C3 dissolution tester, also known as the release of Instrument, in accordance with the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2005 version " standard design from a new generation of smart drugs dissolution device, which have double-column lifting mechanical transmission structure with stable and reliable performance. its circuit uses international advanced pre-program chip. it is an internationally advanced level of drug dissolution instrument for laboratories of drugs testing department, hospital schools, scientific research departments and other pharmaceutical company. The main technical parameters: Cup Number 6 unit Dissolution cup volume 1000ml The range of temperature control 30-40℃ Accuracy of temperature control ≤±0.05 ℃ The range of adjustable speed 20-250 rpm The range of stable speed ≤±1% The range of time control 1 min—99 hour 59 min Preset of the time single segment or multi-segments ( max. up to 10 segments) Rotation shaft coaxial tolerance ±1.0 mm Working tolerance of Brei ±0.5mm The coaxial tolerance of Rotation shaft VS Dissolution cup ≤2 mm 本网站价格为厂家标准报价,仅供参考。优惠折扣价请联系我们,谢谢! |