美国进口商用酒吧搅拌机冰沙机 beach 咸美顿hbb250s

 | | | | 一杯的鸡尾酒---仅仅需要20秒 | | | | take an order for a daiquiri, margarita... – perfectly smooth and with no ice chunks – in just 20 seconds |
技术参数 technical data |
名称 descripition | 型号 model | 品牌 brand | 功率 power | 容量 bowl capacity | 规格(mm) dimension | 重量(kg) gross weight | 酒吧搅拌机 commercial bar blender | hbb250s | beach 美国 咸美顿 | 220v,1/2 hp | 946 ml(32 oz) | 165*203*394 h | 4.25 kg | | | | | | | | 备注:替代原909 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
性能特点 features |
 | 多功能:可制作 沙冰、鸡尾酒、冰镇卡普奇诺、冰糕等; | | flexibility:the perfect choice for smoothies, margaritas, daiquiris, granitas, and more; | | | | |  | 32盎司(946 ml)不锈钢杯; | | 32 ounce durable stainless steel container with a snug fitting, two piece vinyl lid; | | | | |  | 两个独立开关(电源开关on/off 和变速调节开关high/low),适用于各种食物以及饮品的搅拌; | | two speeds with pulse option - offers versatility and precision blending for a wide variety of food and drink mixtures; | | | | |  | 高性能不锈钢刀片(4叶片),持久、耐用; | | durable stainless steel blades - four stainless steel blades are made to last and get the job done fast; | | | | |  | 波动翻滚专利技术,使得搅拌充分,彻底,确保所制的冰沙、果泥细腻、滑爽; | | thanks to the wave~action system™, icy drinks come out perfectly smooth every time; | | | | |