Application guideline for V-CHIP aluminum electolytic capacitors
Circuit Design
1) 充分考虑电容器使用和安装条件在产品目录的规定范围内
Please make sure the environmental and mounting conditions to which the capacitor will be exposed are within the conditions specified in catalogue.
2) 工作温度和施加的纹波电流应在产品目录的规定范围内
Operating temperature and applied ripple shall be within specification.
3) 在设计电路时,应选择符合寿命要求的产品
Appropriate capacitors which comply with the life requirement of the products should be selected when designing the circuit.
4) 铝电解电容器是有极性的,不应加反向电压或交流电压。对可能出现反向电压的电路,应选择双极性电容器。注意:即使双极性电容器,也不能直接用于纯交流电路
Aluminum electrolytic capacitors are polar. Make sure that no reverse voltage or AC voltage is applied to the capacitors. Please use bi-polar capacitors for a circuit that can possibly see reversed polarity.
Note: Even bi-polar capacitors cannot be used for AC voltage application.
Do not use aluminum electrolytic capacitors in a circuit that requires rapid and very frequent charge / discharge.
In this type of circuit, it is necessary to use a special design capacitor with extended life characteristics.
Do not apply excess voltage.
① 直流电压与纹波电压叠加后的峰值电压不应超过额定工作电压
Please pay attention to that the peak voltage, which is DC voltage overlapped by ripple current, will not exceed the rated voltage.
② 若2个以上电容器串联,应确保施加电压低于额定值,而且要并联一个平衡电阻,以使每个电容器所加电压相等。
In the case where more than 2 aluminum electrolytic capacitors are used in series, please make sure that applied voltage will be lower than rated voltage and the voltage will be applied to each capacitor equally by using a balancing resistor in parallel with the capacitor
Aluminum electrolytic capacitors shall not be used under the following environmental conditions:
①(a) 电容器被暴露于水(包括浓缩液)、盐水或油中。
Capacitors will be exposed to water (including condensation), brine or oil.
(b) 周围环境中有氢化硫、亚硫酸、亚硝酸、氯气、溴气、溴化甲烷、氨气等有毒气体。
Ambient conditions that include toxic gases such as hydrogen sulfide, sulfurous acid, nitrous acid, chlorine, bromine, methyl bromide, ammonium, etc.
(c) 周围环境中有臭氧、紫外线及辐射。
Ambient conditions that expose the capacitor to ozone, ultraviolet ray and radiation.
② 严重的振动及机械冲击超过产品目录的规定范围。
Severe vibration and physical shock conditions that exceed specification.
Vibration test condition:
振动频率范围 : 10-55-10Hz
vibration frequency range : 10~55~10Hz
扫描频率 : 10-55-10Hz/分钟
sweep rate : 10~55~10Hz/minute
扫描方式 : 对数
sweep method : logarithmic
振幅或加速度 :1.5mm (最大加速度为10G)
amplitude or acceleration : 1.5mm (max. acceleration is 10G)
振动方向 : X、Y、Z方向
direction of vibration : X, Y, Z direction
测试时间 : 每个方向2小时
testing time : 2 hours per each direction
Shock is not applicable normally.
If a particular condition is required, please contact our sales office.
8) 电解液主要化学溶剂及电解纸为易燃物,且电解液导电。当电解液与PC板接触时,可能会腐蚀PC板上的线路,或造成短路,以致产生烟或着火。因此在电容器封口下端不应有任何线路。
The main chemical solution of the electrolyte and the separator paper used in the capacitors are combustible. The electrolyte is conductive. When it comes in contact with the PC board, there is a possibility of pattern corrosion or short circuit between the circuit pattern, which could result in smoking or catching fire. Do not locate any circuit pattern beneath the capacitor end seal.
9) 设计线路板时应确保发热元器件不靠近铝电解电容器或PC板的另一面,避免其正好在电容器的下面。
Do not design a circuit board that the heat generating components are placed near the aluminum electrolytic capacitor or on the reverse side of PC board, if that just under the capacitor.
10) 设计线路板时应考虑到电容器的电性能可能随温度和频率的变化而变化。
Electrical characteristics may vary depending on changes in temperature and frequency. Please consider this variation when you design circuits.
11) 当2个以上电容器并联时,应考虑到通过这些电容器的电流平衡。
When you install more than 2 capacitors in parallel, please consider the balance of current flowing into the capacitors.
12) 在双面线路板上安装电容器时,电容器的安装位置应避开多余的基板孔和过孔。
While mounting capacitors on double-side PC board, the capacitors should be away from those unnecessary base plate holes and connection holes.
1) 一旦电容器经过安装及加载,不要再试图用于其他线路板或其他用途。
Once a capacitor has been assembled in the set and power applied, do not attempt to re-use the capacitor in other circuits or application.
2) 贮存超过2年的电容器,其漏电流可能增大。若漏电流增大,请使用1KΩ电阻做充电处理。
Leakage current of the capacitors that have been stored for more than 2 years may increase. When leakage current has increased, please perform a voltage treatment using a 1kΩ resistor.
3) 在将电容器安装在PC板之前,请确认其规格和极性。
Please confirm specifications and polarity before installing capacitors on the PC board.
4) 不要将电容器掉在地上,或不要使用掉在地上的电容器。
Do not drop capacitors on the floor, nor use a capacitor that was dropped.
5) 安装时请不要损伤电容器。
Do not deform the capacitor during installation.
6) 请注意贴片机的吸头、产品检测夹具或对中装置对电容器的机械冲击。
Please pay attention to the mechanical shock to the capacitor by suction nozzle of the automatic insertion machine or automatic mounter, or by product checker, or by centering mechanism.
7) 回流焊
Reflow soldering
① 请遵守产品目录中的回流焊条件。
Please follow “Reflow Soldering Conditions” in catalogue.
② 当使用红外线加热时,请注意加热程度,因为红外线吸收率会随着电容器颜色和大小的不同而改变。
When an infrared heater is used, please pay attention to the extent of heating since the absorption rate of infrared will vary due to difference in the color and size of the capacitor.
8) 将电容器焊接在PC板后,不要倾斜或扭动电容器。
Do not tilt lay down or twist the capacitor body after the capacitor are soldered to the PC board.
9) 不要抓住焊接后的电容器搬动PC板。
Do not carry the PC board by grasping the soldered capacitor.
Please do not allow anything to touch the capacitor after soldering. If PC boards are stored in stack, please make sure the PC board or other components away from the capacitor.
The capacitors shall not be effected by any radiated heat from the soldered PC board or other components after soldering.
Do not clean capacitors with halogenated cleaning agent. However, if it is , necessary to clean with halogenated cleaning agent, please contact our sales office.
Recommended cleaning method
Applicable : Any type, any ratings
Cleaning conditions : Total cleaning time shall be within 2 minutes by immersion, ultrasonic or other methods. Temperature of the cleaning agents shall be 40℃ or below. After cleaning, capacitors should be dried by using hot air for the minimum 10 minutes along with the PC board mounted. Hot air temperature should be within the maximum operating temperature of the capacitor. Insufficient dryness after water rinse may cause appearance problems, such as bottom-plate bulge and etc.
③ 避免使用破坏臭氧层的清洗剂以保护环境。
Avoid using ozone destructive substances as cleaning agents for protecting global environment.
In the Equipment
Do not directly touch terminal by hand.
Do not link positive terminal and negative terminal by conductor, nor spill conductible liquid such as alkaline or acidic solution on or near the capacitor.
Please make sure that the ambient conditions where the set is installed are free from spilling water or oil, direct sunlight, ultraviolet rays, radiation, poisonous gases, vibration or mechanical shock.
D) 维护和检验
Maintenance and Inspection
Please periodically inspect the aluminum capacitors that are installed in industrial equipment. The following items should be checked:
Appearance: remarkable abnormality such as pressure relief vent opening, electrolyte leaking, etc.
Electrical characteristics: capacitance, dielectric loss tangent, leakage current and etc., which are specified in catalogue or alternate product specification.
In an Emergency
If you see smoke due to operation of safety vent, please turn off the main switch or pull out the plug from the outlet.
If you breathe the gas or ingest the electrolyte, please wash out your mouth and throat with water immediately.
If your skin is exposed to the electrolyte, please wash it away using soap and water.
F) 储存
1) 不要将电容器储存在温度和湿度高的地方。
Do not keep capacitor in high temperature and high humidity atmosphere.
Storage conditions should be:
Temperature: 5℃~35℃ Humidity : lower than 75% Place : Indoor
Avoid ambient conditions where capacitors are covered with water, brine or oil.
Avoid ambient conditions where capacitors are exposed to ozone, ultraviolet ray or radiation.
G) 处置
Please take either of the following methods in disposing capacitors.
Incinerate them after crushing capacitors or making a hole on the capacitor body.
2) 如不能进行焚烧,请交给废物处理机构进行填埋。
If incineration is not applicable, hand them over to a waste disposal agent and have them buried in landfills.
, necessary to clean with halogenated cleaning agent, please contact our sales office.
Recommended cleaning method
Applicable : Any type, any ratings
Cleaning conditions : Total cleaning time shall be within 2 minutes by immersion, ultrasonic or other methods. Temperature of the cleaning agents shall be 40℃ or below. After cleaning, capacitors should be dried by using hot air for the minimum 10 minutes along with the PC board mounted. Hot air temperature should be within the maximum operating temperature of the capacitor. Insufficient dryness after water rinse may cause appearance problems, such as bottom-plate bulge and etc.
③ 避免使用破坏臭氧层的清洗剂以保护环境。
Avoid using ozone destructive substances as cleaning agents for protecting global environment.
In the Equipment
Do not directly touch terminal by hand.
Do not link positive terminal and negative terminal by conductor, nor spill conductible liquid such as alkaline or acidic solution on or near the capacitor.
Please make sure that the ambient conditions where the set is installed are free from spilling water or oil, direct sunlight, ultraviolet rays, radiation, poisonous gases, vibration or mechanical shock.
D) 维护和检验
Maintenance and Inspection
Please periodically inspect the aluminum capacitors that are installed in industrial equipment. The following items should be checked:
Appearance: remarkable abnormality such as pressure relief vent opening, electrolyte leaking, etc.
Electrical characteristics: capacitance, dielectric loss tangent, leakage current and etc., which are specified in catalogue or alternate product specification.
In an Emergency
If you see smoke due to operation of safety vent, please turn off the main switch or pull out the plug from the outlet.
If you breathe the gas or ingest the electrolyte, please wash out your mouth and throat with water immediately.
If your skin is exposed to the electrolyte, please wash it away using soap and water.
F) 储存
1) 不要将电容器储存在温度和湿度高的地方。
Do not keep capacitor in high temperature and high humidity atmosphere.
Storage conditions should be:
Temperature: 5℃~35℃ Humidity : lower than 75% Place : Indoor
Avoid ambient conditions where capacitors are covered with water, brine or oil.
Avoid ambient conditions where capacitors are exposed to ozone, ultraviolet ray or radiation.
G) 处置
Please take either of the following methods in disposing capacitors.
Incinerate them after crushing capacitors or making a hole on the capacitor body.
2) 如不能进行焚烧,请交给废物处理机构进行填埋。
东莞荣誉电子电容器是最具知名度的高品质专业铝质电解电容器制造厂之一,拥有30余年专业制造经验。LELON铝质电解电容品种繁多,用途广泛,它与日本的同类名牌产品相比,具有低阻抗、高纹波、长寿命等特点,特别适用于可靠性、稳定性方面都要求较高的电子线路中。 1976年 荣誉电子成立, 董事长吴德全先生秉持「品质、服务、创新、责任」为企业经营理念,全心投入铝质电解电容器之开发、生产、制造与销售领域.荣誉拥有海内外5个生产工厂,6个分公司,员工约2800人. 30余年来,荣誉坚持信念,配合市场需求,努力研究开发,公司年年不断成长茁壮,目前荣誉己是国际知名电解电容器专业制造公司,并挤身全球前5大电容器厂. 系统化及高度自动化的垂直整合生产方式,使我们拥有绝对的品质掌控能力.从产品的设计开发、进料、制程、成品到包装出货,藉着严谨的品管制度,经由用心的同仁与精密的设备, 作层层的检验与测试, 淬练出荣誉始终如一的高品质产品.荣誉在品质上的坚持与努力,已获得 ISO 9001,QS 9000,ISO 14001等一系列的国际品保及环保,公元2006年更通过供应汽车电子零组件之门槛-TS16949. 轻薄短小、性能优异一直是电子产品的发展主流,荣誉除了主要生产超小型、耐高温、长寿命、低阻抗等电解电容器产品, 配合客户研发制造高压电容、芯片型电容、螺丝型电容、有机半导体固态电容(Polymer E-CAP)、芯片型钽质电容与高储能电容,并配合汽车电子信息化趋势,发展车用电子产品应用领域.【应用范围】工业电子:开关电源,数控设备,逆变器,监控器,变频器等家用电子:数字电视,数码相机,遥控器,LCD-TV等汽车电子:GPS,汽车音响,车载电话等网络通讯:电话,程控交换机,手机等IT数码:电脑主板,显卡,LCD,扫描仪,UPS等
调电容顾名思义就是可以调节电容容量大小的电容器。可调电容又叫微调电容,微变电容,可变电容等。在实际的电路应用中又根据其封装方式的不同分为贴片可调电容(SMD),插件可调电容(DIP);根据制造材料的不同又可分为陶瓷可调电容,PVC可调电容,空气可调电容等。通常在实际的电路应用上微调电容与可调电容是有区别的,表现在: 微调电容:让两极板的距离、相对位置或面积可调,便构成微调电容.它的介质有空气、陶瓷、云母、薄膜等. 可调电容:由一组定片和一组动片组成,其容量随动片的转动而连续改变. 它的介质通常有空气和聚苯乙烯两种,前者体积较大:损耗较小.可用于更高频率的场合。
一般Ф6 塑封可调电容:直径6MM、脚距6MM、标称容量范围3p-120P。分别是:黑色3P、蓝色5P、7P白色、10P、红色20P、绿色30P、黄色40P、棕色50-120P;Ф5陶瓷可调电容(5-90P)设计坚固可抵强烈震动,广泛应用于电视机、录像机、收音机、VCD机、DVD机、电话机、办公自动化设备,各种摇控器和信息通讯设备等领域。 可调电容在电路中的应用: 主要的作用是用于与电感线圈等振荡元件 来调整谐振频率 ,可调电容在实际应用中具有与固定电容相同的功能,但是他的灵活性在于可以调整容量大小,通过改变这一数据,来实现与电感等元件实现电路的共振。通常体现可调电容的一个重要指标就是共振频率的高低,共振频率越高,其精密度就越好。 可调电容的疑问:最近有不是特别熟悉可调电容的朋友问可调电容有极性吗? 答:可调电容是没有极性的,只有电解电容才有极性,而电解电容一般做的比较大,在目前的工艺条件下,即使是贴片的电解电容其体积依然比较大。
贴片铝电解电容(SMD Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor )
主要规格尺寸,接公制标准分为:4*5.5mm, 5*5.5mm, 6.3*5.5mm, 6.3*7.7mm, 8*6.2mm, 8*10.2mm, 10*10.2mm, 10*12mm等。
220uf6.3v 贴片电容|SMD电容器|铝电解电容器|片式电容|片铝|片式铝电解电容器|贴片电容器
220uf6.3v 贴片电容|SMD电容器|铝电解电容器|片式电容|片铝|片式铝电解电容器|贴片电容器
470u35v 贴片电容|SMD电容器|铝电解电容器|片式电容|片铝|片式铝电解电容器|贴片电容器
10uf25v 贴片电容|SMD电容器|铝电解电容器|片式电容|片铝|片式铝电解电容器|贴片电容器
220uf16v 贴片电容|SMD电容器|铝电解电容器|片式电容|片铝|片式铝电解电容器|贴片电容器
10uf10v 贴片电容|SMD电容器|铝电解电容器|片式电容|片铝|片式铝电解电容器|贴片电容器
铝电解电容器的构成:是由正箔. 负箔和电解纸卷成芯子,用引线引出正负极,含浸电解液后通过导针引出,再用铝壳和胶密密封起来。片式铝电解电容器体积虽然较小,但是因为通过电化学腐蚀后,电极箔的表面积被扩大了,且它的介质氧化膜非常薄,所以,片式铝电解电容器可以具有相对较大的电容量。
正确选用一颗贴片铝电解电容器产品,要注意的参数包括:电容量. 额定电压.温度. 寿命以及特性(比如高频低阻抗)的要求。。
0.47uF50v|50v 0.47uF 4*5.4 0.47uF63v|63v0.47uF 4*5.4 0.47 uF 100v|100v0.47uF 4*5.4
1uF50v|50v1uF 4*5.4 1uF63v|63v1uF 4*5.4 1uF 100v|100v1uF 6.3*5.4
2.2uF50v|50v 2.2uF 4*5.4 2.2uF63v|63v1uF 4*5.4 2.2 uF 100v|100v2.2uF 6.3*5.4
3.3uF35v|35v3.3uF 4*5.4 3.3uF50v|50v3.3uF 4*5.4 3.3uF63v|63v3.3uF 5*5.4
3.3uF100v|100v3.3uF 6.3*5.4
4.7uF25v|25v4.7uF 4*5.4 4.7uF35v|35v4.7uF 4*5.4 4.7uF50v|50v4.7uF 5*5.4 4.7uF63v|63v4.7uF 6.3*5.4 4.7uF100v|100v4.7uF 6.3*7.7
6.8uF25v|25v6.8uF 4*5.4 6.8uF35v|35v6.8uF 4*5.4 6.8uF50v|50v6.8uF 5*5.4 6.8uF63v|63v6.8uF 6.3*5.4 6.8uF100v|100v6.8uF 6.3*7.7
8.2uF25v|25v8.2uF 4*5.4 8.2uF35v|35v8.2uF 4*5.4 8.2uF50v|50v8.2uF 5*5.4 8.2uF63v|63v8.2uF 6.3*5.4 8.2uF100v|100v8.2uF 6.3*7.7
10uF16v|16v10uF 4*5.4 10uF25v|25v10uF 4*5.4 10uF35v|35v10uF 4*5.4 10uF50v|50v10uF 6.3*5.4 10uF63v|63v10uF 6.3*5.4 10uF100v|100v10uF 6.3*7.7
22uF6.3v|6.3v22uF 4*5.4 22uF10v|10v22uF 4*5.4 22uF16v|16v22uF 4*5.4 22uF25v|25v22uF 5*5.4 22uF35v|35v22uF 6.3*5.4 22uF50v|50v22uF 6.3*5.4 22uF63v|63v22uF 6.3*7.7 22uF220v|220v22uF 8*10.2
33uF6.3v|6.3v33uF 4*5.4 33uF10v|10v33uF 4*5.4 33uF16v|16v33uF 5*5.4 33uF25v|25v33uF 5*5.4 33uF35v|35v33uF 6.3*5.4 33uF50v|50v33uF 6.3*7.7 33uF63v|63v33uF 8*10.2 33uF330v|330v33uF 10*10.2
47uF6.3v|6.3v47uF 4*5.4 47uF10v|10v47uF 5*5.4 47uF16v|16v47uF 5*5.4 47uF25v|25v47uF 6.3*5.4 47uF35v|35v47uF 6.3*5.4 47uF50v|50v47uF 6.3*7.7 47uF63v|63v47uF 8*10.2 47uF470v|470v47uF 10*10.2
68uF6.3v|6.3v68uF 5*5.4 68uF10v|10v68uF 6.3*5.4 68uF16v|16v68uF 6.3*5.4 68uF25v|25v68uF 8*6.5 68uF35v|35v68uF 8*6.5 68uF50v|50v68uF 8*10.2 68uF63v|63v68uF 10*10.2 68uF680v|680v68uF 10*10.2
82uF6.3v|6.3v82uF 5*5.4 82uF10v|10v82uF 6.3*5.4 82uF16v|16v82uF 6.3*5.4 82uF25v|25v82uF 8*6.5 82uF35v|35v82uF 8*6.5 82uF50v|50v82uF 8*10.2 82uF63v|63v82uF 10*10.2 82uF820v|820v82uF 10*10.2
100uF6.3v|6.3v100uF 5*5.4 100uF10v|10v100uF 6.3*5.4 100uF16v|16v100uF 6.3*5.4 100uF25v|25v100uF 6.3*7.7 100uF35v|35v100uF 6.3*7.7 100uF50v|50v100uF 8*10.2 100uF63v|63v100uF 10*10.2
150uF6.3v|6.3v150uF 6.3*5.4 150uF10v|10v150uF 6.3*5.4 150uF16v|16v150uF 6.3*7.7 1220uF6.3v|6.3v220uF 6.3*5.4 220uF10v|10v220uF 6.3*7.7 220uF16v|16v220uF 6.3*7.7 220uF25v|25v220uF 8*10.2 220uF35v|35v220uF 8*10.2 220uF50v|50v220uF 10*10.2
50uF25v|25v150uF 8*10.2 150uF35v|35v150uF 8*10.2 150uF50v|50v150uF 10*10.2
330uF6.3v|6.3v330uF 6.3*7.7 330uF10v|10v330uF 8*10.2 330uF16v|16v330uF 8*10.2 330uF25v|25v330uF 10*10.2 330uF35v|35v330uF 10*10.2
470uF6.3v|6.3v470uF 6.3*7.7 470uF10v|10v470uF 8*10.2 470uF16v|16v470uF 8*10.2 470uF25v|25v470uF 10*10.2
680uF6.3v|6.3v680uF 8*10.2 680uF10v|10v680uF 10*10.2 680uF16v|16v680uF 10*10.2
820uF6.3v|6.3v820uF 8*10.2 820uF10v|10v820uF 10*10.2 820uF16v|16v820uF 10*10.2
1000uF6.3v|6.3v1000uF 8*10.2 1000uF10v|10v1000uF 10*10.2 1000uF16v|16v1000uF 10*10.2
1500uF6.3v|6.3v1000uF 10*10.2
联系人:杨永林 电 话:86 - 0769 – 85359259 手机号13427820351传 真:86 - 0769 - 85359269 QQ:1484393065 地:中国广东东莞东莞市长安镇沙头工业区建安路640号址邮 编:523873
公司lyyl@honordz.com 公司网址http://www.honordz.com
电容的用途非常多,主要有如下几种: 1.隔直流:作用是阻止直流通过而让交流通过。 2.旁路(去耦):为交流电路中某些并联的元件提供低阻抗通路。 3.耦合:作为两个电路之间的连接,允许交流信号通过并传输到下一级电路 4.滤波:这个对DIY而言很重要,显卡上的电容基本都是这个作用。 5.温度补偿:针对其它元件对温度的适应性不够带来的影响,而进行补偿,改善电路的稳定性。 6.计时:电容器与电阻器配合使用,确定电路的时间常数。 7.调谐:对与频率相关的电路进行系统调谐,比如手机、收音机、电视机。 8.整流:在预定的时间开或者关半闭导体开关元件。 9.储能:储存电能,用于必须要的时候释放。例如相机闪光灯,加热设备等等。(如今某些电容的储能水平已经接近锂电池的水准,一个电容储存的电能可以供一个手机使用一天。 电解电容器:由于主板、显卡等产品使用的基本都是电解电容,因此这是我们要讲的重点。大家熟悉的铝电容,钽电容其实都是电解电容。如果说电容是电子元器件中最重要和不可取代的元件的话,那么电解电容器又在整个电容产业中占据了半壁江山。我国电解电容年产量300亿只,且年平均增长率高达30%,占全球电解电容产量的1/3以上。深入电解电容的性能特点 电解电容器特点一:单位体积的电容量非常大,比其它种类的电容大几十到数百倍。 电解电容器特点二:额定的容量可以做到非常大,可以轻易做到几万μf甚至几f(但不能和双电层电容相比)。 电解电容器特点三:价格比其它种类具有压倒性优势,因为电解电容的组成材料都是普通的工业材料,比如铝等等。制造电解电容的设备也都是普通的工业设备,可以大规模生产,成本相对比较低。 目前,新型的电解电容发展的非常快,某些产品的性能已达到无机电容器的水准,电解电容正在替换某些无机和有机介质电容器。电解电容的使用范围相当广泛,基本上,有电源的设备都会使用到电解电容。例如通讯产品,数码产品,汽车上音响、发动机、ABS、GPS、电子喷油系统以及几乎所有的家用电器。由于技术的进步,如今在小型化要求较高的军用电子对抗设备中也开始广泛使用电解电容。 从铝电容到钽电容 透过阳极看电解电容 1.铝电解电容。不管是SMT贴片工艺的(上图左,就是大家说的“贴片电容”,识别方式是底坐有黑色橡胶),还是直插式的,或者有塑料表皮的(上图右就是直插式有塑料表皮的,这个被很多人认为是“电解电容”),只要它们的阳极材质是铝,那么他们就都叫做铝电解电容。电容的封装方式和电容的品质本身并无直接联系,电容的性能只取决于具体型号,这个我们后面会详细说明。 2.钽电解电容。阳极由钽构成,就是那种我们在显卡上一见到就会惊呼“这个显卡做工真不错!”的那种黄色或黑色小颗粒。目前很多钽电解电容都用贴片式安装,其外壳一般由树脂封装(采用同样封装的也可能是铝电解电容)。但是,钽电容的阴极也是电解质,所以很不幸的,它也是大家十分瞧不起的“电解电容”的一种 最新锐的GF 6800 Ultra显卡,在NVIDIA公版上就使用了CHEMICON PS/16V固体聚合物导体电容。我看到有些“高手”对此不屑一顾,说16V算什么?确实,和使用电解液为阴极的电容相比,16V确实不算什么。但是在16伏特电压下,它的ESR性能不是一般的电解液电容所能达到的,因此才被应用到GF 6800 Ultra这样的顶级显卡上。 小地:使用不同的阳极和阴极材料可以组合成多种规格的电解电容,是吗? 万鹏:是这样的。基本上所有组合都可以。例如钽电解电容也可以使用固体聚合物导体做为阴极,而铝电解电容既可以使用电解液,也可以使用TCNQ、PPY和PEDT等等。现在新型的钽电容也采用了PPY和PEDT这类固体聚合物导体做阴极,因此性能进步很多,也没有以往二氧化锰阴极易爆炸的危险。如今最好的钽聚合物电容的ESR可以达到5毫欧姆。这类性能高、体积小的钽聚合物电容一般使用手机、数码相机等一些对体积要求较高的设备上。 刚才提到了有些电容不适合SMT贴片工艺,请问是否使用SMT,对性能会带来什么影响? 无论是插件还是贴片式的安装工艺,电容本身都是直立于PCB的,根本的区别方式是SMT贴片工艺安装的电容,有黑色的橡胶底座。SMT的好处主要在于生产方面,其自动化程度高,精度也高,在运输途中不像插件式那样容易受损。但是SMT贴片工艺安装,需要波峰焊工艺处理,电容经过高温之后可能会影响性能,尤其是阴极采用电解液的电容,经过高温后电解液可能会干枯。插件工艺的安装成本低,因此在同样成本下,电容本身的性能可以更好一些。由于欧美工厂的机械成本低而人工比较贵,所以大部分倾向于SMT贴片制造。而国内工厂的人工较便宜,所以厂商更愿意使用插件式安装。
在性能方面,插件式电容对频率的适应性差一些,不过不到500MHz以上的频率是很难体现出差异的。使用插件式安装的电容中也有很好的产品,例如CHEMICON的PS系列有一部分就是使用插件式的。电解电容阴极性能初步对比优点 价格最便宜,耐压性优良,有自愈特性
无污染,不会爆炸,良好的温度特性,LOW ESR值