Contact Information:
Person: Ms. Cathy Wang
Mob: 86-13857249026
Tel: 86-0572-2612038
QQ: 676519339
GOODFO-Bond (Quickly-Bonding)
Part No.GF-901
GOODFO-Bond Repairs almost anything. GOODFO-Bond
can be used just as an adhesive or with reinforcing powders
that will allow you to repair almost anything.
1 x 10 ml Adhesive
1 x Black Powder / Grey Powder / White Powder
Repairs almost anything from toys,PVC’s,and tools ,automotive&many more.
The Powder to repair Bumper, Grilles, Radiators, Motorcycle Fairings, Electrical Switches, Door Handles, Distributor caps and so much more.
1.Rapid solidification
2.Strong cohesive force
3.Widely used and resistance high temperature 1200 degree c.
4.Easy to use
1.Ensure that the paint is removed and that the surface is clean, dry and roughened.
2.Apply powder to area being repaired and then drip Goodfo-Bond onto the powder, making sure
that the bottle and/or applicator doesn’t touch the powder.
3.To replace fill missing parts, place tape underneath the gap, fill with powder and apply Goodfo-Bond super
glue. Remove the tape after Goodfo-Bond hardens.
4.Don’t cut the bottle open, pierce with the pin supplied and seal after use.
The chemical reaction caused by the powder and glue could burn skin.
Keep out of the reach of children: