全面罩 Full Face Mask 面罩通过CE标准对类型的测试, 许可与压缩空气呼吸器配套使用。 This mask has passed the specified test under CE standards and is proved compatible with the compressed air breathing apparatus. 三维球形视窗,视野可达到91%以上 Three-dimensional spherical. The field vision reachs above 91% with great optical performance. 视窗光学性能极佳,透光度高 Excellent optical properties of the mask with high transmittance 视窗镜片表面进行硬化和防雾处理,可长时间不上雾 The lens has been rigidified and anti-fog treated thus can be without fog on surface for long time. 适合亚洲人脸型,佩戴舒适,密封性能好 Asian fit, comfortable donning and good leak tightness 采用插口结构与供气阀快速相连 Plug-in structure for quick connect with demand valve 密封胶面体采用阻燃优质硅橡胶,口鼻罩采用优质硅橡胶,柔软且耐高温 Leak tight mask is made of high quality flame resistant silicon rubber, mouth and nose cover use top silicon rubber, soft and high temperature resistant 阻燃网状头罩与阻燃挂带,佩戴快捷、安全舒适 Flame resistant head harness and lanyard are easy to wear, safe and comfortable 采用高强度传音膜 Highly effective sound transmission speech diaphragm 配有亚洲脸型口鼻罩,降低面罩内吸入的二氧化碳含量、提高工作效率 Inner mask suitable for Asian wearer, decrease the inhaled carbon dioxide content, improve work efficiency 供气阀 Demand Valve 供气阀内设有大膜片自动平衡系统,大膜片自动跟踪人的呼吸动作,实现按需供气,并保证面罩内的压力高于周围环境压力。 There is big diaphragm valve inside as the self-balancing system, automatically tracking users’ breathing actions, provide the on-demand supply and ensure that pressure inside the mask higher than external environment. 供气阀前面方形手动关闭按钮,可关闭供气阀的输出气流,停止供气。吸气时由吸力自动开启。 The square manual turnoff button in front of demand valve can turn off the demand valve against the outputting air flow to stop air supply. And it will automatically starts by the suction at inhalation. 供气阀底部中心圆形的手动强制供气按钮,一是手动关闭按钮没被吸开时用手按压此按钮,可实现自动供气;二是佩戴者感到气体供给不足时,按下此按钮,供气阀会自动增大供气量。另外它可以放掉中压导管中的余气压力,方便检测和拆卸快速接头。 At the bottom is the manual force air supply button, it can automatically supply air when press this button if manual shut-off button fails, secondly, once users do not feel the air supply sufficient and touch this, air flow output will be increased automatically. In addition, it allows the outflux of some not-used-up air pressure in medium pressure hose thus to easily check and disassemble the quick connector. 流线型外壳,美观大方,不遮挡视线 Streamline design with elegant appearance and no hindrance in vision. 手动关闭阀阻力小,开启力小 Manual turnoff valve easy to operate.. 呼吸阻力小,呼吸舒适 Comfortable breath with little resistance 操作简单,使用方便 Simple operation and convenient use 设有手动强制供气按钮,保证供气安全 Ensure large flow and safe air supply by using manual force air flux button 外壳采用阻燃的高强度工程塑料 The shell adopts flame retardant and high-strength engineering plastics. 减压阀 Pressure Reducer 减压器是将气瓶内高压空气减至供气阀正常工作时所需的压力(0.7±0.25)MPa。无论气瓶内空气压力及使用者的呼吸频率如何变化,减压器均有一个稳定的压力输出。 The function of pressure reducer is to reduce the high-pressured air in the air cylinder to be (0.7±0.25) MPa which is the proper functioning pressure of demand valve. No matter how the air pressure in the air cylinder and breathing frequency of users change, pressure reducer always has a stable pressure output. 不论气瓶的压力为多少,加压阀的输出压力始终处于0.6到0.9Mpa之间。其输出流量大于1000l/min:充分保证呼吸着的呼吸量。 Output pressure from 90psi to 135 psi (6bar to 9bar), Air flow≥1000L/min 减压阀重的安全阀是保护中压输出压力值的,当减压阀出现故障时,安全阀将自动开启,其开启的压力是0.99到1.5Mpa,安全阀关闭。 Safety valve will automatically operate while the valve fails. Safety valve can keep the output pressure from 148psi to 225psi (9.9bar to 15bar) 减压阀和供气阀的连接处装有限流孔,一旦压力表或高压管损坏,高压空气的损失流量不会超过25L/min。 There is a limited flow hole in valve connections, once the pressure gauge or pipe damage, the loss air flow no more than 25L/min 碳纤维气瓶及瓶阀 Air cylinder& Air cylinder Valve 气瓶由高强度铝合金内胆加全缠绕的碳纤维复合材料制成,强度高,重量轻。气瓶是采用全缠绕碳纤维复合材料,气瓶内胆采用高强度、耐腐蚀、重量轻的铝合金材料;外部用数层碳纤维、玻璃纤维缠绕;气瓶表层为环氧树脂。 The air cylinder is made of high-strength aluminum alloy inner and fully wrapping carbon fiber composite material with high strength and light weight. 瓶阀带有安全自锁装置,可避免因使用过程中不慎碰撞或误操作而打开或关闭气瓶阀。气瓶阀的开关手轮,逆时针旋转为开启,反之为关闭,气瓶阀上设有安全膜片,爆破压力为(37~45)MPa,可防止气瓶内压力过高而变形或爆破。 The Valve with safe self lock device is to avoid open or close air cylinder valve caused by collision or mishandle in operation. The hand wheel of air cylinder valve rotates anticlockwise to open and on the contrary to close. The air cylinder valve is set with safety membrane with bursting pressure of (37~45) MPa, which can prevent the air cylinder to be transformed and blasted because of too high pressure in the cylinder. 背架总成 Backboard Components 背架组件主要由背架、肩带、腰带、带扣、减压器固定架和气瓶紧固带组成。肩带、腰带、减压器和气瓶都固定在背架上。背架完全按照人体工程学设计,外形完全贴合人体背部曲线,接触面大,佩戴舒适。背架由阻燃工程塑料和碳纤维材料注塑成型,强度高,耐冲击,不易损坏,重量仅有0.68kg。 The backboard assembly mainly composes of backboard, shoulder strap, waist belt, belt buckles, pressure reducer holder and tank band. Shoulder belt, waist belt, pressure reducer and air cylinder are all fixed on the backboard. The backboard is designed in complete accordance with human engineering. Its appearance fully fits human back curves with large contact surface and comfortable wear. The backboard is made by injection molding of flame-resistance engineering plastics and carbon fiber material with high strength, impact resistance, invulnerability and 0.68 kg weight. 肩带和腰带采用阻燃防滑、抗撕拉的织物编织而成,佩戴更舒适。带扣由阻燃材料制成。肩带、腰带和带扣阻燃性能符合CE标准要求。减压器由固定架上的穿钉固定在背架上,更换方便。 The shoulder belt and waist belt are woven by flame retardant, anti-skidding and anti-tearing fabrics and comfortable to be worn. The belt buckles are made flame-resistance materials. The flame resistant feature of shoulder belt, waist belt and belt buckle accords with the requirements of CEstandards. The pressure reducer is fixed on the backboard by wire dowels in the holder and convenient to change. 背板按照人体工程学原理设计。柔韧轻便并配备舒适的腰垫,使腰肩部物压迫感。其整体设计让使用者可以轻松的用单手操作整个装备。背板可携带不同尺寸的气瓶。 Back plate designed per ergonomic, lightweight and flexible. It's easily operate with one hand. 调节带分别与腰带肩带连接。通过拉紧和掀起调节带可起到调节背架高低,调整使用舒适度的作用,使其适于不同型体的作业人员使用。 Harness connect shoulder strap and belt , can fix the height of the SCBA. 腰带固定在腰带卡上,其长度可调。调解腰带的松紧可以分散呼吸器对肩部的压力,从而增加呼吸器佩戴的舒适性。 Adjusting the belt can distributed pressure on the shoulders. 调节气瓶固定带,将气瓶牢固地固定在背板上,以避免气瓶晃动。 Adjusting cylinder strap will firmly fixed on the cylinder on the back. 报警哨及压力表 Pressure Indicator and Alarming Device 压力显示是采用刻度(0~40)MPa 的压力表,它通过一根高压导管与减压器相连,表盘采用荧光材料,可在暗处观察压力表指示值。表面采用抗冲击材料,并设有橡胶保护套,有防水、防震和防尘功能,高压导管有限流装置,当压力表同其连接的高压导管脱开时,在气瓶压力为20MPa的情况下其漏气量不大于25L/min。 The pressure indicator is specified by scale ranged between(0-40)MPa, it is connected with the Reducer through a high pressure hose. The display panel is made of fluorescent material, which enables user to read the figure in darkness. The gauge surface is made of shock-resistant material, protected by rubber cover, waterproof, and dustproof. The high pressure hose is equipped with flow limit device, thus when the pressure gauge is separated from the high pressure hose, the air leaking volume should be no more than 25L/Min while the cylinder pressure is at 20MPa. 报警装置设在接近压力表的高压导管上,当气瓶中压力降低到(5.5±0.5)MPa时,报警哨会发出90dB(A)以上的连续报警声响。如果按报警压力值5MPa、气瓶容积6.8L、使用者呼吸的平均耗气量30L/min计算,则报警后尚可使用大约5-10分钟,不同气瓶容积报警后使用时间也是不同的。所以,使用者听到报警声应撤离现场,更换气瓶后方可继续工作。 The alarming device is on the high pressure hose near the pressure indicator. When cylinder pressure is below(5.5+ 0.5)MPa, the whistle will make about continuous 90d B(A) of noise. Working hours last another 5-10 minutes after warning, if we assume the alarming pressure at 5MPa, cylinder volume 6.8L, user average exhalation at 30L/min, it differs according to cylinder volume at the same time. Under such conditions, user must quit from dangerous place after hearing the alarm and is only allowed to continue to work after replacing with a new cylinder.The Warning Device is fixed on the high pressure pipe near the pressure gage. When the cylinder pressure reduces to (5.5±0.5) MPa, warning whistle will produce the continuous sounds over 90 dB(A). If the calculation is made according to the warning pressure value of 5 MPa, air cylinder volume of 6.8 L and users’ average gas consumption of 30 L/min, it can be used about 5-10 minutes after the warning and the using time of different cylinder volume differs after the warning. Therefore, users shall evacuate from the site after hearing the alarm and can continue to work after changing air cylinder