品牌:合成 型号:YC-100 形式:电动 电源电压:220(V) 送料形式:自动送料 加工量:依产品长短而定 外形尺寸:350mm X 350mm X 450mm(mm) 重量:35(kg)
1. 本机采用微电脑数控装置,设定切带长度,精度准确,
2. 本机适用于热收缩套管,排线,DVC套管,绝缘纸,
1.The m/c is adopted micro-computer numerical controlling
device to set the belt cutting length. precision,
simple of operating & low waste rate.
2. The m/c is suitable for heat shrinkage socket,
cable wire pvc socket, insulating paper, twin surface tape,
bonding, tape, cotton belt & zipper etc.,
for sizing cutting use.