LED MICROSENSORS NT公司产品基本目录 配套的中红外探测器中红外发光二极管LED和光电二极体PD在光学分析系统中具有很大的潜力。在中红外光谱范围1600-5000nm,对于绝大多数的气体和液体来说有很强的吸收带,比如:甲烷CH4 , 水H2O, 二氧化碳CO2, 一氧化碳CO, 乙炔C2H2, 乙烯C2H4, 乙烷C2H6, 氯甲烷CH3Cl, 氧硫化碳OCS, 氯化氢HCl, 次氯酸HOCl, 溴化氢HBr, 硫化氢H2S, 氢化氰HCN, 氨气NH3, 二氧化氮NO2, 二氧化硫SO2 , 葡萄糖glucose和许多其它物质。下面列出了部分气体在中红外范围的吸收带。
气体 | 吸收带(um) | 气体 | 吸收带(um) | 气体 | 吸收带(um) | 气体 | 吸收带(um) |
CH4 | 3.2-3.45 | HCL | 3.3-3.7 | H2O | 2.5-2.8,1.8-1.9 | N2 | 4.0-4.54 |
C2H2 | 2.99-3.09 | HOCL | 2.6-2.9 | CO2 | 4.2-4.3 | NH3 | 2.27,2.94 |
C2H4 | 3.1-3.4 | HBr | 3.7-4.0 | OH- | 2.38-2.63 | NO+ | 4.08-4.44 |
C2H6 | 3.3 | HI | 2.27-2.3 | H2CO | 3.38-3.7 | HNO3 | 5.74-5.98 |
CH3CL | 3.22-3.38 | H2S | 3.7-4.4,2.5-2.8 | CO | 4.4-4.8 | NO2 | 3.4 |
OCS | 3.45,4.87 | HCN | 2.94-3.1 | HO2 | 2.73-3.1 | SO2 | 4.0 |
TO-18 | TO-18 with PR | TO-5 | TO-5 with PR | TO-8 | |
with/without window | with/without thermoelectric module | ||||
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applied to | LED, PD | LED, PD, LED-matrix | LED-matrix | ||
SMD Packages | 3x3 mm | 5x5 mm | 5x5 mm with microreflector | 5x5 mm for 3-element matrix | |
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applied to | LED | LED-matrix |
Light Emitting Diodes for 1600-2400 nm spectral range
LEDs for 1.6-2.4 µm spectral range are fabricated from narrow band-gap GaInAsSb/AlGaAsSb-based
heterostructures lattice matched to GaSb substrate.
ModelPeak emission * Repetition rate: 0.5 kHz, pulse duration: 1 ms, duty circle: 50%, current: 200 mA Light Emitting Diodes for 2800-5000 nm spectral range Light Emitting Diodes for 2800-5000 nm spectral range are fabricated from narrow band-gap InAsSb/InAsSbP-based heterostructures lattice-matched to InAs substrate.
wavelength, nmFWHM of the
emission band, nmPower, mWVoltage, VMaximum operating
current, mASwitching
time, nsOperating
range, OCQCW mode *Pulse mode **minmaxminmaxminmaxminmaxQCW modePulse modeStandard LED models (LED chip with circular or ring top contact) - LmsXXLEDLED Flip-Chip models (top surface of a LED chip is free of contacts) - LmsXXLED-FCLms18LED 1.80 1.89 100 200 0.7 1.1 15 25 0.5-1.5 250 2000 10-30 -200...+50 Lms19LED 1.90 1.99 100 200 0.8 1.2 20 30 0.5-1.5 250 2000 10-30 -200...+50 Lms20LED 2.00 2.09 150 250 0.8 1.2 20 30 0.5-1.5 250 2000 10-30 -200...+50 Lms21LED 2.10 2.19 150 250 0.8 1.2 15 25 0.5-1.0 250 2000 10-30 -200...+50 Lms22LED 2.20 2.29 150 250 0.8 1.2 15 25 0.5-1.0 250 2000 10-30 -200...+50 Lms23LED 2.30 2.39 170 270 0.6 1.0 12 20 0.5-1.0 250 2000 10-30 -200...+50 Lms16LED-FC 1.60 1.69 70 150 0.8 2.0 20 35 0.8-4.8 150-200 1000 10-30 -200...+50 Lms17LED-FC 1.70 1.79 100 160 0.8 2.0 20 35 0.8-4.8 150-200 1000 10-30 -200...+50 Lms18LED-FC 1.80 1.89 100 180 0.7 1.4 20 30 0.6-2.0 200 1000 10-30 -200...+50 Lms19LED-FC 1.90 1.99 100 180 0.8 1.6 20 35 0.6-2.4 200 1000 10-30 -200...+50 Lms20LED-FC 2.00 2.09 140 220 0.8 2.0 20 35 0.5-1.0 200 1000 10-30 -200...+50 Lms21LED-FC 2.10 2.19 200 300 0.8 2.5 20 40 0.6-2.8 200 1000 10-30 -200...+50 Lms22LED-FC 2.20 2.29 200 300 0.8 2.5 20 40 0.6-2.8 200 1000 10-30 -200...+50 Lms23LED-FC 2.30 2.37 200 340 0.8 1.4 20 30 1.2-2.8 200 1000 10-30 -200...+50
** Repetition rate: 1 kHz, pulse duration: 1 µs, duty circle: 0.1%, current: 1 A
ModelPeak emission * Repetition rate: 0.5 kHz, pulse duration: 1 ms, duty circle: 50%, current: 200 mA
wavelength, nmFWHM of the
emission band, nmPower, µWVoltage, VMaximum operating
current, mASwitching
time, nsOperating
range, OCQCW mode *Pulse mode **minmaxminmaxminmaxminmaxQCW modePulse modeStandard LED models (LED chip with circular or ring top contact) - LmsXXLEDLMS34LED 3.30 3.49 400 600 25 45 320 480 0.2-0.5 250 2000 10-30 -200...+50 LMS34LED high power 3.30 3.49 400 500 45 80 480 720 0.2-0.5 250 2000 10-30 -200...+50 Lms38LED 3.70 3.84 500 700 20 40 180 220 0.5-0.8 250 2000 10-30 -200...+50 Lms39LED 3.85 3.94 550 750 15 30 180 220 0.5-0.8 250 2000 10-30 -200...+50 Lms41LED 3.95 4.09 700 1000 15 30 180 220 0.5-0.7 250 2000 10-30 -200...+50 Lms43LED 4.10 4.30 700 1000 8 12 180 220 0.2-0.8 250 2000 10-30 -200...+50 Lms46LED 4.40 4.60 800 1100 4 8 120 160 1.6-2.6 250 2000 10-30 -200...+50
** Repetition rate: 1 kHz, pulse duration: 1 µs, duty circle: 0.1%, current: 1 A
LED发光二极管阵列和矩阵可用 现提供LMS34LED-4M和LMS43LED-4M为提供输出功率的4芯片阵列 另外LMS34LED,LMS43LED价格更优惠,为CO2,CH4检测提供。