具有水洗色牢度的6色德国原装进口印花涂料墨水大量现货供应, 无需任何前处理,直接上机打印,色牢度5级以上,非常耐搓洗不掉色,色彩靓丽,不晕色, 打印图片边线非常清淅,真正的纳米级墨水,长期使用不堵喷头,户外日照雨淋不褪色。 欢迎新老客户订购试用,量大价更优。诚招各地市经销商代理商!
众多成功案例,随时欢迎您的来电垂询: TEL:021-60510805 QQ:302506933
YEECK® 数码直喷墨印花墨水 简介
本水基纺织墨水适用于采用高精微压电喷头的数码印花机,提供彩色6色(CMYKLcLm),无需特别维护,使用非常稳定流畅,大量长期使用也不堵塞喷头,是高端数码纺织直印花 高端个性T恤印花 成人女装,内穿打底衫,卫衣、童装婴儿装首选环保纺织墨水。
本墨水能适应于主流品牌的各款高精微压电数码印花机:如爱普生Epson、武藤Mutoh、罗兰Roland/Mimaki、康丽Kornit系列的高精写真数码印花机或采用同种类喷头最大喷印精度大于等于1440*720 DPI的数码印花机(T恤印花机\\服装打印机\\DTG Printer)。
四色机:CMYK 4色
六色机:CMYK+ Lc+Lm 或 CMYK+ XX 或 CMYK+WW(2白墨)
如另需深色印花纺织白墨,请查看: >> 进口深色印花白色墨水
德国巴斯夫墨水BASF ink for textile,BASF HELIZARIN 纺织墨水
上海影格电子科技"印特中国纺织品印花服务中心"为德国巴斯夫纺织墨水指定代理商,大量提供巴斯夫全棉纺织品墨水,T恤墨水(BASF T-shirt INK),巴斯T恤直印墨水,色牢度高,搓洗几十遍不掉色,高科技世界一流纺织品墨水,数码直印花打印墨水,色彩好,环保,高品质低成本直印花首选墨水,欢迎来电订购:021-51697209 60510805!
数码纺织印花机专用墨水(本数码印花墨水新增Lm+Lc+W 3色现有6彩色+1白色现货供应)
More about BASF INKJET INKS for Textile
The BASF range of ink-jet inks conforms to the most stringent demands of the Oeko-Tex®standard
Ludwigshafen, Germany – January 23, 2009 – The BASF Helizarin®EVO P100 range of ink-jet inks has been certified to comply with the highest category of Oeko-Tex Standard 100, Product Class I. This standard applies to all suitable types of cotton fabrics and includes pretreatment with Luprejet®EVO. BASF Helizarin EVO P100 ink-jet inks fulfill the most stringent criteria for the Oeko-Tex standard, Class I, and are recommended as suitable for babies and small children. "For our customers, ecological aspects are becoming extremely important in addition to technical printing and quality requirements", said Dr. Gernot Diehlmann, head of the ink-jet business at BASF. "The Helizarin EVO range has achieved top marks here. We will continue to set high ecological and sustainability standards in future".
About BASF
BASF is the world’s leading chemical company: The Chemical Company. Its portfolio ranges from oil and gas to chemicals, plastics, performance products, agricultural products and fine chemicals. As a reliable partner BASF helps its customers in virtually all industries to be more successful. With its high-value products and intelligent solutions, BASF plays an important role in finding answers to global challenges such as climate protection, energy efficiency, nutrition and mobility. BASF has more than 95,000 employees and posted sales of almost €58 billion in 2007. Further information on BASF is available on the Internet atwww.basf.com.
世界顶级纺织直印墨水 美国原装进口杜邦纺织墨水网址: http://www.yeeck.com.cn/dupontink.htm
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