郑州中外合资企业注册代理 郑州中外合资公司注册代理
郑州威驰外资企业服务中心(Zhengzhou Weichi Foreign Investment Service Center)工商注册号:410100000103800 ,是河南省唯一具有合法资质从事外资企业工商注册代理、外资企业财税咨询、外资企业商务信息咨询的服务机构,成立于国务院批复《郑州航空港经济综合实验区发展规划(2013~2025年) 》后郑州进行巨大规模招商引资的背景之下,受河南省商务厅和河南省工商局双重领导,以招商引进外资为己任,以服务外商投资企业为宗旨,高效、便捷的为外商投资企业提供商务、工商、税务、海关、商检等全方位的代理服务!24小时咨询热线:0371-60275782。
中外合资经营企业是指依照中国有关法律在中国境内设立的外国公司、企业和其他经济组织或个人与中国公司、企业或其他经济组织共同举办的合营企业,即两个以上不同国籍的投资者,根据《合资法人《公司法》和(企业法人登记管理条例》的规定共同投资设立,共同经营,共负盈亏,担当风险的有限责任公司。 (港、澳、台参照)
3、企业网站:www.waizi.org.cn(主站) www.6en.cn(备用站)
6、其他网站:www.0371waizi.com www.0371waizi.cn www.zzwaizi.com
Zhengzhou Weichi Foreign Investment Service Center is the Only legally qualified facilitating agency to provide Company registration services and taxation services for enterprises with foreign investment In Henan Province.we have a good the government background.We have a renowned reputation in providing excellent Zhengzhou company, wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE), foreign representative office (RO) and other offshore company management solutions.We view ourselves as not just service provider, but as a trusted colleague in your company providing superior services. Our dedication and renowned goodwill must meet all your requirements.
The Sino-foreign joint venture is the enterprise that foreign companies, enterprise and other economic organizations or inpiduals (hereinafter referred to as “foreign joint ventures”) establish equitable joint venture together with Chinese companies, enterprise and other economic organizations (hereinafter referred to as “Chinese joint ventures”) within the territory of the People's Republic of China on the principle of equality and subject to approval by the Chinese Government. Both parties to the venture shall share the profits, risks and losses in proportion to their contributions to the registered capital.
Check the name form. Industrial and commercial Bureau (pre-reserve commercial number/ name checking) =>Approval of fire and environment authorities =>pre-approval=>Go to Bureau of Trade and Industry for the foreign investment approval certification=>Apply for the business license from Industrial and commercial bureau=>Apply for chops from Public and Security Bureau =>Apply for the Organization Code License from Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision=>Apply for the registration license from State Administration of Taxation &Local Administration of Taxation=>Apply for the foreign exchange registration license/opening capital account license from State Administration of Foreign Exchange=>Opening the capital account in the bank=>Opening the basic account in the bank=>Apply for the IM&EX registration license from Customs (if needed)
Foreign investors director meeting resolution=>Entitle the company name =>Business scope confirmation =>Registered capital confirmation=>Shareholder confirmation=>Appoint legal representative of Chinese company=>Chinese office confirmation (consider fire and environment factors if needed) =>Transact lawyer’s notarization and submit it to the authority dept to sign=>Reference letter of bank=>Entrust to transact=>Inject the investment money to the capital account on behalf of investor=>Capital verification=>After-approval
For the trading enterprise, the following documents are required:
1) Board of director’s meeting minutes or resolution of two parties;
2) One proposed name (in Chinese), and provide two back-up names in case the first name is not available;
3) Detailed information about the business scope and registered capital;
4) Feasible study report;
5) Original Articles of Association;
6) Duplicate copy of the business license and certificate of incorporation of two parties;
7)The original and copies of identity certification of pre-established company’s legal representative, and color photo;
8) Two original bank reference letters (from foreign investor's bank) indicating foreign investors’ creditability, issued within 6 months in both English and Chinese language;
9) Lawyer’s notarization
10) Chinese investor’s annual audit report and seals;
11) The office address: your own house property or the rented commercial building (two original copies of lease signed and sealed by the local Housing Management Authority , showing the recognized registered address of joint venture. The signing party should be in the name of one shareholder or the foreign company; the purpose must be for commercial use)
For the manufacturing enterprise, the following documents are required:
1-9) The same as above
10) Production address: your own house property or the rented commercial workshop (two original copies of lease with signature by Housing Management Authority, showing the recognized registered address of joint venture. The signing party should be in the name of one shareholder or the foreign company; the purpose must be for workshop use)
11) Approval of environmental and fire departments.
For the abroad natural person, the following documents are required:
1) Board of director’s meeting minutes or resolution of two parties;
2) Duplicate copy of identity certification of foreign investors& Legal representative, directors of pre-established company;
3) Lawyer’s notarization of foreign investor’s identity certification;
4) Duplicate copy of ID & two color photos of the pre-established company’s legal representative;
5) Feasible study report;
6) Original copy of Articles of Association;
7) Two original bank reference letters (from foreign investor's bank) indicating foreign investors’ creditability, issued within 6 months in both English and Chinese language;
8) Chinese investor’s business license, annual audit report and company’s seals.
GZ DELEGA provides one-stop tailored-made services for foreign companies which would like to set up wholly foreign funded enterprises in GUANGZHOU, China.
1) Approval document;
2) Original Articles of Association;
3) Foreign investment enterprise approval license;
4) Both original and duplicate copy of business license;
5) Cachet, financial, custom and legal representative private chop;
6) Seal carving registration card;
7) License of Opening account;
8) Opening and canceling account confirmation;
9) Both original and duplicate copy of Organization Code License & card;
10) Registration license and form. of State &Local Administration of Taxation;
11) Foreign exchange registration license and approval certificate;
12) Customs declaration registration certification;
13)Finance registration license and form.
If you have any question, do not hesitate to call us or email us :
More detail please enter: www.waizi.org.cn
Room 179, No.1 Building , No.10 YuYING Road, GuanCheng District , Zhengzhou, China.