- 产品名称:欧莱斯硅胶丝印移印油墨 硅胶油墨,硅胶丝印油墨,硅胶移印油墨 一 承印物:硅胶,橡胶,硅橡胶,LDPE等材质 产品举例:硅橡胶电缆,医用导管,笔套,按键,手环 二 产品特性: 1、色彩鲜艳,高弹性,高浓度,低气味,耐酒精,耐磨,遮蔽性优秀,附着力优秀 2、适用于丝印和移印工艺 3、产品细度:5um以下 三 使用说明: 1 丝印 网板:150—450目聚脂丝网印版 胶刮:建议使用65-85度聚氨酯胶刮 用量:400目网板印刷约为45㎡/kg 干燥: 自然干燥,表干15-20分钟,实干12小时以上或200℃以下烘干,约30分钟 2 移印 溶剂: 718快干水,783慢干水,因印刷环境温度不同进行选择 清洗: 选用有机溶剂清洗(如:718,783) 用量:约为45㎡/㎏ 四 注意事项: 以上是以我司的测试结果,谨供参考。量产前务必在贵司的条件下,再次测试为盼。 五 产品包装: 1公斤装、5公斤装、20公斤装 六 储存条件: 5℃—25℃条件下可存放两年,避免强光照射,防接触强酸,强碱。
Product name: the rice from dry glass printing ink of ca ca since a dry glass series ink a, printing ink, use the technology reference 】 of ca screen printing ink is from roast for is to do not have baking conditions and need not plus curing agent and developed a high performance ca ink. Ink easy to use, not needing curing agent, and does not need to bake, can obtain excellent adhesion. PingGuang, good adhesion with resistance, resistance to alcohol, stamping, etc. 1. Application: iron, aluminum, alloy, glass, ceramics, electroplating, stone, anodic alumina surface and roast (spray paint and 2. The thinner: with the company S-03 thinner, 3. Curing agent: to add TA-9154 stiffening agent 10 ? 5 ? ? plus adhesion, improve ink film hardness. 4. Plastic blow hardness: 70-80 degrees advisable, another Angle in 60-70 degrees is the best. 5. The mesh: suitable for 100-420 develeped usage: use 300 mesh nets version can be printed per kilogram of about 30 square meters. 7. Drying method: TA series is to belong to the volatile nature dry ink, ink layer dry time table 5-10 minutes: work in time within 24 hours. After 48 hours to achieve the best performance