昆明柯莱芮德园艺有限公司(Coloreden)是从事保鲜花(Preserved Flower)生产专业公司、拥有“Coloreden”保鲜花品牌。产品通过了中国科学院昆明植物研究所各项试验测试,质量达到国际先进水平,现已具备了批量生产玫瑰、康乃馨、绣球、大丽花、马蹄莲、云南山茶、蕨类、千层金等保鲜花和保鲜枝叶生产的专有技术和生产能力,同时开发了高档的保鲜花工艺品。产品销往日本、韩国、欧美及台湾市场。柯莱芮德首次将保鲜花应用拓展到花卉装饰工程领域,建立了保鲜花装饰工程设计、制作与施工的完善服务体系。
Kunming Coloreden Horticulture Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer specializing in producing preserved flowers with the brand of Coloreden. The preserved flowers of Coloreden have passed the tests of Kunming Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica. The quality has come up to an international advanced level. Coloreden has the technology and capabilities of large production, main products including preserved rose, carnation, hydrangea, dahlia, calla lily, Yunnan camellia and all kinds of preserved foliages. It has developed the high quality preserved flower crafts. Its main markets include Japan, South Korea, Europe, America and Taiwan. Coloreden is also the first company to use preserved flowers in large-scale decoration engineering, building up the service system of preserved flower decoration.