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Senior Account Manager:洪伟(HongWei)
Yan Ding Conference services Co.,Ltd.
Thanks for visiting my post.we're willing to work with you.await you for calling. have a nice day.
南昌在06、07年荣获“国家卫生城市”和“国家园林城市”称号。南 红谷滩新区夜景昌既是国家重要综合交通枢纽,也是重要制造业基地,为长、珠三角及闽东南经济地区之腹地,乃省外大型产业及总部转移对接的基地,国家历史文化名城,拥有重要历史地位。
城中主要有十湖一江流动于南昌这座江西历史文化名城。2006年被被美国《新闻周刊》杂志(Newsweek)选为十大动感都会(The Ten Most Dynamic Cities)之一,全球百大摩天楼城市,国家历史文化名城,红色革命根据地,新中国面军旗升起之地,被誉南昌市为“未来都会,绿色之都”。
A brief introduction of NanChang :
Nanchang city is the capital of jiangxi province, It is a famous historic city, and is very charming and dynamic. A river named Gan river runs through the city, Raising and nurturing the city of Nanchang, And it is surrounded by many beautiful hills, those hills protect the city. There are many famous scenic spots in urban area, the well-known one is TengWang Tower, it is an acient building built in tang dynasty locate in the edge of the Gan River. It is the wooden tower, a total of six-floors and more than 30 meters high, it is very majestic. At the fifth floor, there are corridor around the tower outside, it is the best place to view the whole city. His opposite is the Nanchang HongGuTan New District, it is the political, economic, financial development zoon, and full of tall building there, both side of Gan river reminds us of The Bund and Lujiazui financial and trade zoon in shanghai. Another famous place is the BaYi Uprising Monument, for the sake of commemorating the 1927 1st August uprising in Nanchang. It is located in BaYi square in the middle of urban area. It is the landmark of nanchang city.
The pace of life in nanchang city is not fast, and the entertaiment atmosphere is good, and is very suitable for living and working. There are many good university there, lot campus of them are beautiful for small hill and lake in them. Furthermore, near nanchang city there are many famous scenic zone. For example, Lushan Mountain Scenic Area is less than 200km away from there.
Lushan Mountain is the top ten famous mountain in china. Is a very fantastic tourist place. She has deep cultural and historical atmosphere, while the environment is very charming. There are hundreds of foreign-style villas and building in the mountain , aslo green hill,.clear lakes ,waterfall, the fantastic rock and so on. Many historical figures have been there, for example LiBai,DuFu, Tao Yuanming, Mao Zedong and so on. I have been to there several years ago, now i wanna be there again,seriously!