通辽航空障碍灯厂家 18192268286张经理,通辽航空障碍灯厂家 总经销,通辽航空障碍灯厂家 批发,通辽航空障碍灯厂家 联系人:张经理 手机:18192268286 QQ:506252456 电话:029-86556570 通辽航空障碍灯厂家 全国免费服务热线400-029-9286,欢迎广大新老客户来电垂询!通辽航空障碍灯厂家 TS-155L7型7只转换航空障碍灯简介通辽航空障碍灯厂家 TS-155L7型7只转换航空障碍灯是严格按照国际民航组织(ICAO)标准附件第十四卷、中
国民用航空行业标准MH/T6012-1999、美国联邦航空局(FAA)要求,等有关标准而研制生产的最新一代航空障碍灯。 航空障碍灯由交流230V电源作为供电系统,以大功率发光管作为光源,光源寿命≥5年. 航空障碍灯外壳使用聚碳酸酯和工程塑料组成。所有器件全部封装在灯体内,灯体结构简单,重量轻,整体抗冲击。由光电控制,夜间自动开启,白天自动关闭。 产品组构及工作原理Features and operating principle 1、TS-A型太阳能航空闪光障碍灯是由高效太阳能电池板、高效Ni-H电池组成供电系统,以发光二极管作为光源;航空障碍灯内置光传感器,可根据环境使其白天充电,夜间闪亮。 1.The power system of TS-A solar obstruction light is composed of high efficient solar panel and Ni-MH battery, and the light source is made of LED. The sensor built in the lamp body to control the light flash in the night and charged in the day time. 2、该航空障碍灯具备双电压的工作模式,LED可以在DC12V电压下工作,同时也可以在DC48V的电压下工作。航空障碍灯可以在这两种供电模式下自动切换,其切换取决于电压是否可用。航空障碍灯的运作在太阳能发电系统下工作,若太阳能系统出现电量不足或故障时则自动切换至备用电源DC48V供电,当太阳能系统恢复正常时,该系统自动切换至太阳能供电。 2.The light has both solar and DC48V power supply, and it auto changes under each voltage. The light works with solar power supply, when the solar system failed, the DC48V power supply system will auto start to work, when the solar system turns normal, also the light will start to work with solar system. 3、航空障碍灯控制系统内由程序控制自动检测故障并带有独立的防雷模块,提高了其稳定性和防雷功能。程序内设定了电池过充过放保护功能。 3.There is detection circuit and lightning protection module built in the obstruction light, as following: Aviation obstruction light control system by program control in automatic detection fault with independent lightning protection module and improved its stability and lightning protection function. Procedures for battery set within the overcharge had put protection function. ①、控制盒内带有防雷模块,满足防雷等级。航灯信号端口:8/20us冲击电流不小于5kA不损坏;共模(a+b-PE):能耐受8/20us冲击电流不小于10kA不损坏。测试次数:正负各5次; ①、In order to achieve the lightning protection level, lightning protection module built in the control box,The output signal of the obstruction is dry contact switch signal. Signal Port: 8/20us surge current less than 5kA, the light is free of damage. ②、航空障碍灯出现故障时,航灯所输出的故障信号为“闭合”与“断开”的干接点信号,当航灯正常时,状态信号为“断开”,当航灯故障时,状态信号为“闭合”;常开常闭状态能进行设置,最大节点负载1A 125VAC,2A 30VDC。 航灯故障判断标准:电源正常时,连续24小时航灯工作状态不正常,包括不亮等。 ②、The light outputs failure signal “close” and “break” dry contact signal when it is failed. When the lamp works normal, status signal is “break”. When the lamp failed, status signal is “close”. The status of normal break and normal close can be set up Maximum node load 1A 125VAC,2A 30VDC. The Judgment Standards of obstruction light: the operation status keeps abnormal for 24 hour under normal power. Including the lights do not burn or flash, ect.