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主营产品:高纯锡锭 锡基合金 轴承合金 巴氏合金 锡锑合金 焊锡制品等
Henan tin-based alloy materials Co., the babbitt bearing long-term normal work, and the bearing alloy casting quality is closely related to, such as alloy quality is not good or bad casting, overheated bearing alloy melting impurities watts tire cleaning workthe poor, the cooling rate after casting control bad, etc., will cause the bearing alloy slag and porosity, cracks, bodiless produce waste. The bearing casting process more only in strict accordance with the process requirements to operate, and can only be assured bearing alloy casting quality, the casting process including: tile cleaning tires and tire hanging tin alloy melting, casting and cooling.
Henan tin-based alloy material utility model, a template mold for tin-based alloy bearing cast. Wherein: docking it is made by the casting surfaces of the template and the template backing several fastening holes in the edges of the said two templates, the fastening holes with a fastening screw, and the casting hole in the casting surfaces of the template, the two the block template combination of surface liquid seal with the. It uses the casting surfaces of the template so that the thickness of the cast layer to be controlled, to reduce the amount of processing, improved efficiency, but also improve casting surface finish, is conducive to detect the quality of the cast layer adhesive. Simple structure, particularly suitable for the casting of the tin-based alloy bearing. This year the company bearing pouring technology to provide users with processing bearing, bushings, bushings, supply bearing alloy; Henan tin-based alloy material to help you