本公司为国内独立生 产型企业公司。在几年来的发展历程中,承蒙各界人士的关 心与支持,不断增资 扩大技术改良,产量逐年递增,本厂拥有先进的生产设备, 专业的技术人员,有 规范的现代管理营销模式,有严密的生产管理,得以保证本 企业的经营运作长期 稳定,向良性发展。款式、设计新颖大方,做工精细,可按 客户图样、实样制作 各款玩具,产品出口欧美、英国、日本等国家与地区。
现有4条车缝生产线,3条手缝生产线。固定生产设备有:63”裁床机3台、松棉 机1台、充棉机2台、空压机3台、 平车120台、过 针机2台、500千瓦发电机1台。
拥有固定员工280人。管理机构有:人力资源部 、工程部、采购部、生产部、品控部。
本企业以诚信为原则 ,欢迎各地商家来电来函联系业务,我们将提高质量和快捷的服务与之合作。
声明:本公司所有图片仅供公司实物拍 摄,供大家参考,不能依此下单,如需订做玩具可以来电或者E-mail,或者来图 打样!
QQ: 76528707 TEL:13825222505 洪先生

Our company is a domestic independent of production-oriented enterprise.
Thanks for all level of society\'s care and support, and continously expand the technology is improved replenishment, our production increased year after year.
our factory has advanced production equipment, profeesional technical person,modern sales and management systerm and also the strict production managment, all of these ensure us to have a longterm and stable bussiness. our modern design toy-like products which also include the one make out according to the customer drawing or samples were exported to Europe , USA, British and Japan so on.
Now we have 4 sewn existing production lines, three hand-stitched line. Fixed production equipment includes: 63 "cutting machines 3 sets of loose cotton one Taiwan, filling machine and two sets, air compressor 3 sets of flat car 120 units, the needle machine 2 sets, 500 kW generator 1 set.
we have staff about 280 people. Regulatory agencies are: human resources, engineering, purchasing department, production department, quality control department.
The principle of good faith is the basic to this company, welcome contact us about business , we will enhance the quality and efficient services to cooperate with it.

===生产流程实景照(Vitual Photo Of Production Process)===
设计 制作玩具样品(Designing) 工作室(Working-Room)
裁剪室(Cutting Room) ; ; ; & ; ;nbs p; 热裁室(Hot Melt Room)
绣花室(Embroiders Room) ; ; ; 绣花室(Embroiders Room)