一、结构与用途 Structure and Use 当测量介质的压力P作用于隔膜,则隔膜产生变形,压缩压力仪表测压力系统的密封液,使其形成P-△P的压力。当隔膜的刚性足够小时,则△P也很小,压力仪表测压力系统形成的压山就近于测量介质的压力。
when the tested medium pressure P act to the film, the film bring dirtortion, the pressure of the seal liquid nearly same with medium pressure, whhen the rigidity of film too small to the medium. The film pressure meter main mainly petrol, alkali, chemical fiber, medicine, food process. It is composed by normal pressure meter and joint and separator.The test medium is strong corrupt, high temperature, high adhibit,easy crystal, easy freeze or have unsolved solid.
二、工作原理示意图 Work functional picture 隔膜表液位差 尤其对于带软连接管的隔膜压力表,由于受压部与通用型压力表安装位置不同,会产生如下图所示的液位差的影响量△P。、法兰的选择 Flange selection 根据GB(中国)、HGJ(化工部)、DIN(德国)、JIS(日本)、SNSI(美国)等法兰标准以及国内实际使用情况编制成常用的法兰系列标准,供用户选择。特殊规格可定制。
According GB(china)、HGJ(Chinese chemical department),DIN(German)、JIS(Japanese)、SNSI(America), the customer can be select any standard,and also order the special standard products.
四、隔膜式压力表连接示意图 The joint ske
五、型号表示 Model expresstch for film pressure meter
六、隔膜表的温度影响 Film meter temperature infection 隔膜压力表其温度的影响量与密封液膨胀系数隔膜刚度及受压部位的温度有关。仪表在使用温度偏离20±5℃时,受温度影响的示值最大变化率刚性不夫于0.1%℃,柔性(远接式)不大于0.1±0.25%℃(L-传压导管长度M,)隔膜式压力表在制做时应注意根据不同的使用环境,选择相适应的密封工作液。
七、隔膜表的温度影响 The infeetion in the temperature of film meter 为保证隔膜表使用可靠性和安全性,应根据不同用途选择合适的密封液。
To protect the security and stable of film meter, should select some kinds right airproof liquate. 密 封 液 airproof liquate 受压部温度范围 the temperature range in press 比重量 ratio weight (g/m3) 体膨胀系数 ratio expand coefficient (1/℃) 用途 Use 高粘度硅油 high adhibit silicon oil -10~200
1.07 0.95×10-3 高温用 For high temperature 低粘度硅油 low adhibit silicon oil -30~100 0.94
1.08×10-3 一般用 normal use 甘油水溶液 glycerin water liquate -5~100
1.27 0.61×10-3 食用品 edible