【主要技术参数】 | |||
产品商标 |
炎帝牌 |
公告批次 |
248 |
产品名称 |
SZD5160GPSD5型绿化喷洒车 |
产品号 |
ZKMF844Y017 |
总质量(Kg) |
16000 |
罐体容积(m3) |
10 |
额定载质量(Kg) |
9550 |
外形尺寸(mm) |
8800,8500×2480×2950 |
整备质量(Kg) |
6255 |
货厢尺寸(mm) |
×× |
额定载客(人) |
准拖挂车总质量(Kg) |
驾驶室准乘人数(人) |
3 |
载质量利用系数 |
接近角/离去角(°) |
18/10 |
前悬/后悬(mm) |
1430/2370 |
轴数 |
2 |
轴距(mm) |
5000,4700,4500 |
轴荷(Kg) |
6000/10000 |
最高车速(Km/h) |
90 |
其它 |
罐体有效容积10立方米,运输介质:水,密度:1000千克/立方米;罐体外形尺寸(长×长轴×短轴)(mm):5700×2100×1250,5300×2200×1280;随底盘选装驾驶室前脸扰流罩.侧后防护采用Q235材质焊接连接,后部防护断面尺寸(mm):50×100,后部防护离地高度(mm):500. | ||
【底盘技术参数】 | |||
底盘型号 |
DFL1160BX5 |
底盘名称 |
载货汽车底盘(二类) |
商标名称 |
东风牌 |
生产企业 |
东风汽车有限公司 |
外形尺寸(mm) |
8790,8290,7790,7190×2370,2460×2760,2840 |
轮胎数 |
6 |
接近角/离去角(°) |
20/13 |
轮胎规格 |
10.00-20,10.00R20,9.00-20,9.00R20,275/80R22.5 16PR |
钢板弹簧片数 |
8/10+8,7/9+6 |
前轮距(mm) |
1880 |
燃料种类 |
柴油 |
后轮距(mm) |
1860,1800 |
排放标准 |
GB3847-2005,GB17691-2005(国Ⅳ) | ||
发动机型号 |
发动机生产企业 |
排量(ml) |
功率(Kw) |
ISDe210 40 ISDe180 40 ISDe185 40 EQH180-40 ISB180 40 |
东风康明斯发动机有限公司 东风康明斯发动机有限公司 东风康明斯发动机有限公司 东风汽车有限公司 东风康明斯发动机有限公司 |
6700 4500 6700 4752 5900 |
155 132 136 132 132 |
The difference between the three countries four sprinkler with sprinkler mainly lies in reducing emissions, this for the current deteriorating natural environment, it is very beneficial. But for the customer, buyer four sprinkler, of course, than the buyer three sprinkler pay higher fees.
Dongfeng days kam three countries four sprinkler and dongfeng days kam sprinkler shapes and functions are all the same, in addition to the sprinkler engine. But dongfeng day jin three countries than dongfeng days kam four sprinkler sprinkler to expensive 2 w.
At present, most areas in China have begun to introduce the sprinkler countries four emissions standards, this is in accordance with the need of vehicles on the door of the sprinkler, users must ask in advance before buying good sprinkler on door area to the requirement of automobile emissions. If necessary, can also find familiar "cattle" to help with the family affairs, though need to give me a little "hard", but compared to the registration, not only save time and effort, also can reduce the unnecessary trouble.
Because the four did not like the three sprinkler sprinkler chassis full swing production, price is not only a sprinkler reasons, but because of the four sprinkler is quite high to the requirement of fuel oil, must be loaded with urea, and in addition to very few cities in China have a special offer as to meet the requirements of the four fuel gas station, such as Shanghai has four special supply of Shanghai oil, most domestic cities still use of the three oil products. Three countries four water sprayer used oil is short of the four emissions requirements, this is also why our country repeatedly delayed the four automobile emissions.