奶瓶主要特点:The main features of the bottles:
手把吸管PP材质奶瓶(标口)Polypropylene(PP)material handle straws bottle (standard port)
PP(聚丙烯)是世界上公认的用来制作食物容器的安全材质,称为塑料5号。PP (polypropylene) is recognized as the world\'s safe material to make food containers,which is called Plastic No.5.
安全:不含可能干扰人体激素作用的双酚A(Bisphenol-A)环境荷尔蒙。Safety: obtaining no Bisphenol-A environmental hormone which may interfere with the body\'s hormone.
耐用:具有稳定性高、耐酸碱、耐摔、耐磨、硬度大的特点。Durable: They have the characteristics of maintaining high stability, acid and alkali resistance, impact resistance, high abrasion resistance and hardness.
耐热:熔点温度约为160℃,具有较高的耐热性,可在120℃使用,适合微波炉、蒸汽及煮沸消毒。Heat resistance: the temperature of melting point is about 160℃.It has high heat resistance, and it can be used in 120℃. Also,it is suitable to disinfect in microwave ovens, steam and boiling water.
配有手把吸管,宝宝抓握更方便,从各个角度都可以轻松喝到奶水。With handle straws, babies can grip the bottles more easily,and they can easily drink milk from all angles.(配有手把,宝宝抓握更方便。)